Chapter 48 ~ Locke and key

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It was an orchestrated event, as the conductor everyone began fine tuning their notes and strings before the real show lifted off, from one small insignificant tweet pulled along a string of events. Groups swarming, girls chattering, teeth clattering, boys noses turning up nodding and gesturing for their mates to take a look.

Walking through the halls feels like I'm walking on a stage and all eyes are on me but really, they aren't they're on my dear old puppet and as the master I let the strings pull themselves. Heading inside the classroom bare as expected it to be only 08:00 am but there slumped against his desk lies a grumbling idiot, of course my shining light, my ruse.

Atsumu Miya.

Luckily, I had alerted him of the plan of action, and he had no choice but to go along with it that and I called Koharu first. I'm just too evil.

The day goes by as planned; people do like a good gossip after all. It wasn't until English literature class came along did someone have the nerve to ask me of all people then again, I am still acting as temporary manager.

"L/n-san is it true?" my brow quirks up, this poor girl could be asking about anything if I wasn't the one to come up with such a ploy.

"What is?" Suzimori, and a few others from this class pondered before pushing her to speak further, a sceptical flustered look screams on their cheeks.

"You know about," her eyebrows twitch gesturing to my desk mate who is too engrossed in his earwax to know what's what. "That he's got a girlfriend." Taking a moment to wiggle finger for their ears to come closer, the trail of lies leaving my lips entering their nosy big ears.

Gasping many students turn around at us but I quickly shut them away nudging at my partner in crime, he groans giving them all a quick side eye, they scuttle away.

The pressure of today is too great to miss the chance to play just a little.

Looking at his jawline that curves just at the right angle to his honey glazed eyes and mustard hair, if I didn't find him fully revolting in the sense of ever fucking this man, I would call him hot, it's a shame he's ugly in my eyes.

Shivering next to me as I slip my hand cupping his neck stroking the tendrils of hair lining from the nape of his neck, a cough sounds in the background but I don't waver I need to show an example of the whore selling herself to a minor.

Continuing on with stroking Atsumu's cheek before he too leans in a seductive grin growing on his lips, god I want to smack him so hard right now. Before us, a presence but too stuck in our own world to even acknowledge them, I continue eye fucking the shit out of my partner he too engrossed in this little act, he should know that I'm quite the actress.

"You two, no touching during class you're distracting everyone. Come and speak to me by the end of class to apologize for now, L/n-san you're sitting next to Muguru-san for the rest of this lesson." Mills-sensei puffs her chest poking out from her striped, blue, white dress shirt and donning fashionable glasses for today, hair slick back into a tight bun.

She raises a brow before I pat the cheek and gather my things.

"Certainly, sensei." Smirking back to Atsumu unable to with hold the giggles from within making sure everyone sees.

Chisaki smirks upon my arrival and nudges in to hear about all the gossip of course I don't fake a single one seeing how all eyes and ears are now back on to me.

Class soon ends, telling Chisaki to wait up for me like always I practically skip towards the front desk were an annoyed teacher sits, that's right lecture me. Atsumu stands next to me doing that pose all guys do protecting their dick for whatever apparent reason to.

Raising a brow like any autoreactive figure she twirls on her spiny chair before clasping both of her hands together onto the desk, a sort of radio silence continues between us.

"I didn't appreciate any of the misconduct during my lesson today, school is a place of learning, 'that' can be done anywhere other than here, you understand me?" Nodding along holding my own hands behind my back. "Good, I'll give you this one warning, now you may leave for home or club activities." Stunned she didn't go further with this; she had the cards but didn't play them, interesting.

Walking out the door I catch the last glimpses of her whispering to Atsumu.

"What was that all about?!" The girls from earlier squeal into my face, all of them showing signs of jealousy one way or another.

Shrugging I add.

"Well, I guess I'm the jealous ex-girlfriend." Smirking I look over my shoulder to find the one and only Atsumu Miya, god it's annoying how tall he is.

His smirk says it all.

Heading to the clubroom I bid everyone goodbye, Chisaki runs up besides me taking me off my feet spinning me around and around like some god damn damsel in distress.

"You should audition for the next upcoming movie; you'll be an instant hit." He jokes, his eyes following down to my lips, pushing him away I get back to my feet.

"And what will you be? Let me guess prince charming." He shakes his head hand travelling up to his hair ruffling it a little.

"Nah, I'll be the sexy villain destroying the world for you." He winks.


Some little Chisaki x reader content for my thirst readers, 10 chapters left!!

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