Chapter 40 ~ The Miya twins fight

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The thumping in my ear, the draining of sound leaks out into the white abyss as I strongly hold the wrist of the tanned setter, his clenched and streaming in veins. Raw like fury becomes damping by my own, it wasn't his fist that hit me but the other twin.

Warm metallic spuds of red drip from my split lip and swelling cheek, honestly, I didn't feel the punch until the air settled and the groaning of Osamu being pinned to the floor by a furious Kita. Everyone stills even the Coach that ran in after us watches for my next movements, looking up the now trembling boy tries to wriggle from my iron grip.

I just had to get involved with this shithead, I knew it was bad from day dot but who knew that all that would lead to this very moment.

"L/n-san, let go of Miya-san." Coach Kurosu bellows firmly everyone is the rooms stuns like electrified fish in water.

My grip on Atsumu doesn't falter.

With gritted teeth I sigh.

So, this is what's it like to be cornered with a spectacle of eyes on me, I always wondered why everyone gives in to these situations. It's damning, the pressure worse than when I have no idea what the first answer is on a test paper or worse when a bigger, stronger opponent gets into a one to one fist fight with me.

It's not impossible.

Doable yes but will I. it's become apparent from the consistent tenacity of this team to be bastards of persistence. Finally concluding that I will most definitely regret this in a few minutes I let go of Atsumu.

He falters back but grips his wrist a red mark where my fingers were ring them, how pretty.

Chewing the inside of my lip spinning around away from the team and clapping my hands before bowing lowly, urgh how embarrassing.

"Gomen nasai, Coach. I just had to step in as now the temporary acting manager of this club I will do everything in my power to make sure that they will start behaving and go to nationals." His aged eyes looks at me with disbelief, oh come on take the fucking bait, everyone else is already gasping as if they've just experienced an orgasm for the first time.

"Hmm, I'm glad you took up on the offer. I know you have a club of your own but someone of your calibre can do it?" Nodding along, I look back instantly shooting daggers back to all the boys.

They flinch, buckle up buttercups you should know what the iron maiden of The Help out club can do to you.


Why does it feel like I'm robbing you with these short chapters, I promise all has meaning in the end

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