Chapter 11 ~ Practice game

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Tomorrow came and finally became today, as I make my way inside the building that I highly despise of so much, inside was the team and another, I'm guessing not many students are out on a sunday. It's weird that they are having a match on such a day but apparently from what Atsumu said that they couldn't make it yesterday which was the whole reasoning behind why we had our supposed date yesterday.

Making way towards the bleachers I stop thinking of a great way for first impression on the team I might've already met them during lunch one time but that was one time and showing up to practice is a big thing. It shows how much of a supportive girlfriend that I am, turning on my heel I make way towards the coaches and captain of the team.

Kita-san eyes me as I slowly make my way over with a smile plastered on my face.

"Good morning, Coach Kurosu and Coach Oomi, Kita-san. You don't mind me attending this practice match at all?" Bowing I look up with a gentle smile, a tint of pink dusts over Kita's cheeks, aww the poor boys flustered over some manners how cute.

"Good morning, L/n-san and not at all, please do cheer for us." The coaches say turning away before heading over towards the other teams coach. This left me with Kita-san, he closes the distance while scratching the back of his neck.

"I heard you and Atsumu went on a date yesterday, it must've been nice?" A bit taken aback from the statement a narrow my eyes slightly, that pisshead already told them. Looking over towards the direction of the twins I see that Atsumu is already watching my every move, with a slight frown I give him a small wave. That boy is falling for me, I can see it the planting of the seed grows in his heart, the way he flusters over the little things.

"Yes it was good, I see he must have enjoyed himself to talk about it already." Giggling I cup my hand over my mouth slightly appearing innocent and gentle to the third year.

"Humph, He wouldn't stop texting us the minute it finished yesterday, that boy is already lovesick. Treat him well." The last part strangely came more off as a threat than anything.

"Oh I intend to." I give him a sharp look with a soft smile, I watch as he freezes temporarily in motion before regaining himself slightly.

The practice match wasn't even that half bad, Atsumu may be getting too close to comfort though, he kept looking at me whenever he set perfectly or when it was his turn to serve. Sighing I get up flipping my phone open.


I've tracked down the girls


Leave off on them for now

Only watch them

Just as I was nearing to the door, Atsumu grabs my forearm pulling me back. Stepping back into him, his heavy breaths trickle down my neck like a wet dog in heat, grimacing I narrow my eyes at him.

"What?" My voice came off harshly, this causes the blond to flinch. Seemingly feeling kinda at fault I grab his wrist pulling him away from prying eyes.

Outside where the birds sing and the trees sway me and Atsumu stare off into each others eyes obviously feeling different things. I for one don't want this contract ending with him having feelings for me, um no thank you and secondly I have a job to do and his one sided feelings may get in the way.

"What do you think you're doing?" I say tapping my foot on the ground arms crossed.

"I don't understand-"

"This isn't real. Atsumu this is all an act remember that. Don't forget the deal, NO FEELINGS." I inch closer up turning my nose to him almost gagging at his sweaty dog smell.

"Gosh why do you have to cause me so much hassle, this is only a warning. If you think for a second that this is real or that your heart makes jumpy sounds to me, I won't think for second on eviscerate this agreement that we have. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" I watch as his face grows sadder by each word spoken until its just nothingness despair coating his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I'll keep that in mind. See ya?" He picked himself back up scratching the back of his neck with a obvious fake smile coating his lips. Sighing I let him leave concerned about who that figure was and how much they heard.


Sorry late update just been watching bsd as of late currently in love with Dazai

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