Chapter 20 ~ Team

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It was the screams. The shouts. The calling of 'nice receive' and 'give 'em a good one' as I made my way down towards the gym doors. Cuts healed and some light bruises fading as my deep sunken eyes bore into that of plastic barbie wannabe that fucked a midget and spawned the devil in disguise.

Kyotatsu Okitawa, sits idly on the white bleachers with her groupies like she always does cheering on the team, well mainly Kita. Watching her as I strut into the gym sending daggers her way as I continue making my way towards the boys who in question keep their eyes on me.

The eyes of Suna look me up and down, the last he saw me was being sent off to the principal's office after having a bombing time with Koharu and friends. She must be at home still, surprised that she got sent off for a month, I guess some teachers care.

"Tsum~tsum~kun did'cha miss me?" I coo acting cute, I should just throw that act out of the window from this point on, when have I ever been cute.

He my so called 'boyfriend' stares dumbfoundedly at me with his bottle tipping the edges of his rosy lips, his brother Osamu side eyes him with a disappointed look.

"L/n-san, I see your suspension is over now. How was it?" Kita the only brave soul here breaks the awkward silence that Atsumu is unwilling to break, I send him a glare 'I'll talk to you later' look.

"Oh you as good as it gets, ran into some friends."Blowing out steam before clasping my cheeks in a shocked embarrassed way. "Oh gosh,"Smiling I take them in his shocking most of the team and especially his so called best friend. "Kita, me and you should have a chat, actually while we're here. The team should know some things, right Atsumu?"

All eyes direct from me to Atsumu who for once in his life yelps from the attention, his hand grips my shoulder tightly, shrugging the thing off whilst keeping Kita's cold stare.

"Okay, practice ends soon, we'll talk in the club room."

"Perfect," Chirping I remove my hands from him spinning on my heel smiling slyly at the girls.

I watch as their brows twitch from utter aggression.

The clubroom wasn't all that as I thought it was, just some benches and some grey lockers, like any old locker room I suppose. The team sit ominously far away from me with Kita eyeing me up and down, Atsumu is the only one with some to stand by the door. He's too fidgety for his own good.

Sighing I get to it.

"Raise your hand if you have an inkling of what's this about?" There the room staled as I glare at Atsumu, eventually he draws his hand up as well as his brother and Suna. Well that's understandable.

"L/n-san what is this about?" Kita inquires, looking him in the eyes as I speak.

"You all know my club right? And what it specialises in?" Crossing my arms leaning back onto the lockered wall, I seriously don't want to be here right now.

They nod.

Sighing again, looking up in frustration. How the fuck should I put it.

"What I'm about to relay to you shall not be uttered outside of this room, clear?" Ren, Akagi and Aran all look around the room surprised to see the rowdy second years keeping quiet and Kita not asking more questions.

"I'll take that as a yes. Since the start of term mine and Atsumu's relationship has been fake, this is because he's being stalked. Being a interesting request I accepted it, and for that long enough of a time, me and my club have been investigating leads behind it." Looking back at Atsumu for confirmation to continue, he too anxious looks down biting the edges of his thumb.

"It's obvious guess who it is but why, is the question?" Down turning my gaze down to that of the captains, how unfazed can he get.

"Kita I don't think you're going to like this but.."

"It's Kyotatsu, isn't it?" He finishes my sentence, raising a brow at how he came to that conclusion is quite impressive.

"You knew?" The room stills as the very robotic captain breaks into smiles and small chuckles.

"I've had my doubts,"

"Then do you know?" Tipping my head in a small nod, Kita just continues to smile.

"I know." He turns to Atsumu. "I'm sorry that you've been going through this alone but as the captain of the team I'm disappointed that you didn't come to us for help." Clicking my tongue at the sheer audacity this man has to lecture someone whilst their vulnerable is ironic.

"It was funny while it lasted, but I gotta say yer were the shittest girlfriend he ever had." Osamu smiles giggling into his hand muffling it a little.

"You try dating someone you don't like nor want to play pretend with, then come back to me." I add making the two grow more in laughter.

"L/n-san thank you for telling us, but why?" Kita remains the calmest one here, this man has a will of iron.

"Easy. More people to use, and now you know we can move into the end game of it all." I elaborate stepping forwards arms out with a sly grin plastered onto my face.


More of a better chapter than last week

I believe I haven't introduced you to her yet

I believe I haven't introduced you to her yet

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Kyotatsu Okitawa

Third year

In love with Kita

Best friends with Kita

One of the many ringleaders of the MiyaFandom 

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