Chapter 52 ~ They move out

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The rooms breaks out into stillness when the final words leave my lips, from the swaying of the shutters to the way Ronnie's fist clench wrinkling the skin the light flickering as the clouds roll over into the grey. Rei-chan stills slumping to the spare chair from earlier where Kazuki presented herself, begging and offering for me not to leave her like mum. Now it warms the mascara smeared streams of her cheeks, she pats faintly onto Akihito's hand probably mostly out of shock.

I think they're more surprised at the fact a teacher did this, someone we never expected, someone we whole heartedly trusted to do us right. Did this. To Atsumu and now to me. Heaving a sigh in the uncomfortableness despite the ample offers for more pillows, I am well and truly pillowed out. I need to feel it, the pain, the rage, the... fuel to get me to continue. I'm just so lost, heated down to the point of being unable to properly walk anywhere until the fucking cast and knee brace comes off.

"So what do you want us to do?" Rei-chan asks not in a snarky way but I can truly feel that she as much as anyone here is awaiting my plan.

I don't know what to tell her but all I know is that Asami Mills is going down, she messes with me, she messes with everybody and I mean everybody. Holding onto the white railings support near my bed, biting the inner side of my cheek.

"You're not going to like this but... you're going to have to talk to Kyotatsu and Koharu, they know something." Looking around the room finding Ronnie glaring already back at me, he pauses with realisation before nodding slowly.

Good, he'll talk to Haruhi, now I just need hard evidence that it's her, the photos are enough but I want to burn this bitch down to the grave. I fucking hate her for running me over, roping me in on helping Atsumu, acting like a sly old bitch.

I'm going for the fucking jugular.

"Rei-chan you do that, Akihito I'm going to need you to stay on standby and watch her, whatever she does report back and make sure to record it." They nod a new vigour reverberating off of them.

The lust for blood lingers on the tip of their tongues, ah, it feels like the good old days back in middle school but this time it's not some ponzi grade schooler mad about some chewing gum but a full grown adult that's swooned the hearts of many of the student in Inarizaki high.

"Chisaki, you're going to tell the team about everything, Atsumu needs to know." He clicks his tongue rolling over on one side of his cheek, I knew he wouldn't like that.

Taking out my notebook checking off the plan of action, next is taking down this pervert.

Two of the most well loved members of Inarizaki volleyball team block entry for the schools bad boy, his gaze twitching with a growing need to itch the spot of his knuckles across their disgusting ugly mugs. Atsumu frowns further only when he looks Chisaki up and down with disdain  but that is an issue that can be sorted out later for now he knows that everyone is itching to know about you and your condition.

"Even though I don't like yer, I wanna know about- gak-" his sentence is cut short when Kita karate chops both of the brothers backs, they fall without any grace.

That they already lack, no wonder you never took to your fancy with them. Kita bows forcing their heads along with him without much protest, smirking knowingly the last time Chisaki was in this gym willingly was back when this whole shit show started. God he's relieved that it's ending.

"Gather the one's in the know, there's something I need to tell you and don't worry Miya I don't like you either." Leering over them Chisaki takes his time walking past the gym towards the secret corner, at this time of the day it's mainly deserted.

The guys that were in the know from the start, Aran, Kita and Osamu didn't stand much threat with him seeing how you never mentioned them in passing than more than needed it was those two. Atsumu and Suna that he most definitely whole hearted hated, more so on Suna for snaking your heart away...for now at least. Chisaki has always been a patient man so he's happy to wait that much longer for you.

"So what's the big idea?" He didn't need to shut Atsumu's loud mouth up when Kita the head strong captain is literally right there to hit him harder than any endearing father should.

Moving back against the wall, Chisaki grumbles over and how to start it, finally moving his hands into his pockets after disgustingly making eye contact with the likes of Suna. Typical.

"Y/n is okay," the instant that confirmation left his lips the boys erupted in a mass of cheers.

Atsumu began roughly tasseling with his brothers hair, knuckles and all, Osamu punching him to stop but that in and games didn't last very long with a stern look from the ever cold captain.

"Atsumu, we know who's been stalking you." This halts all jovial smiles and pats on the backs by his teammates, Atsumu stills. "Asami Mills, she's the bitch that ran over Y/n."

Silence screamed in the long pause between all the boys not even Kita could foresee that coming, he didn't know that much compared to Chisaki, Suna and Atsumu and probably Osamu. The news was as unbelievable but reasonable as how he, someone, was picked as captain but yet is still a force a nature on and off the court to his teammates. No foreseeable future did he expect what was happening, is still happening from the inner workings of a teacher. Someone he helped that day with some English material from the store room to the next.

No one expected it. Osamu blinked many times the news trailing far and wide over his eyes, ears and running a muck within his mind. Mills-sensei?! Absolutely not, there must be a mistake. She's good as gold, the best actually. But yet it fits, it falls as cleanly as a block of Tetris in an empty gap, the last puzzle piece. For once in his life, Osamu found himself full. Sickeningly so.

Suna's phone slipped between his fingers smashing the wet dewy grass from the shade of the building no sunlight reaches this part of the day. He had suspected it was an adult, at best a senior that left school last year but not in his life did he think... looking at Atsumu the lost empty look made his lips parched. Was he always this thirsty, no, a lump forms in the back of his throat, saliva building, holding up right where his Adam's apple bobs right at the back end of his tongue. Taking a deep breath he opens his lips...

But nothing forms from the missing syllables and the eerie sounds of shock still whipping him.

The victim. Man in question that scorned your track record, roped you in this shit show of a game of cat and mouse when the cat wasn't a cat but a human with a hammer. The poisoned cheese. Atsumu stricken by shock and a grappling sense rising in his stomach, bile is tasted from the backs of his teeth. The blood draining from his whites, his sly cheeky grin that normally would be eating shit by now but it stills sloping off his face. Melted clay, the mask fallen and behind stands the broken boy the pressures of society eaten away at him, his insecurities, self-hatred, anxieties laid bare with knives for fingernails.


Shallow bloody crescent moons in the underside of his palms, his jaw clenching, nows not the time to break, he can do that later, tonight maybe? He needs to know for as far as he knows you aren't exactly done with him nor Mills. It brings him an ill sensation to think he liked her, fuck that, it's time to...

"Burn this bitch."

Chisaki smirks wickedly looking down the sinister smile sending chills down each boys back, for once he would never admit out loud but he too agrees with Atsumu Miya on something.

Miracles are happening.

Sorry about being late, in the last 5 chapters or so, this will be ending on a climax so stay tuned.

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