Chapter 21 ~ Resit

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It had only grown in days before the all so special inter-prelims that are going to take hold but oh no you would think that everyone got a passing grade on the recent exams that took place last week. You would think now wouldn't you?!

"What do you mean you failed?" Kita towers above the quivering soul named Atsumu, he the only idiot on the team was 3 marks off a pass. I still yet to understand how this is my issue or why in the world I'm here in the stuffy clubroom again.

"My english literature was impossible to understand?" Scoffing the entire team shift their attention onto me.

"Yer kidding right? That was so easy, I swear you're just a grade A idiot. No wonder Miss Mills failed you." Chuckling as I shake my head I feel the heavy gaze  of the captain bore so deeply into my skull I fear that there are scorch marks detailed on my forehead.

"L/n-san, will-"

"No. Absolutely not!" Shutting down what headache Kta was trying to pull, crossing my arms I look at Osamu and Suna who just shrug.

"Each year the Help out club gives handouts of previous test papers, all marked from easy to hard. I'm sure you know which ones will be in the resit a day before prelims, right?" His stern voice never falters as his pleading continues.

"And? It's not my problem that he spent more time practicing than studying. He's a lost cause for all I care." With that I say adios to the team.

Lunch had just started with the ending of English literature, many students immediately flock out well I can say that as I watch Atsumu slump into his seat further. Earlier Miss went over to him probably about his test scores, he's got three days before prelims, two to cram in some studying.

"Atsumu. Here take it." Giving him my holy grail of notes the once gloomy boy immediately lights up like a christmas tree.

"Ah-Thank you, Y/n~chan." His idiotic smile feels contagious, I don't want to get sick.

"Miya-san and L/n-san, are you both staying for some extra lessons?" Out of nowhere Miss appears, sideways looking at his calm features and soft brown locks loosely held in her low bun.

"No, I'm going now, enjoy." Bowing at her and not giving Atsumu one last look I take it as my final escape.

Friday eventually rolled around the fucking chimney as the entire team drag me from my clubroom to await for Atsumu's resit exam outside the sports hall. Sighing as the passing time ticks by, another second of my life wasted on that bleached asshole.

Then the maroon metal doors slide open, outcomes many excited students one of them being the very proud setter holding his resit in hand.

"Well?" Kita asks not even an ounce of excitement laced into his voice, the others seem rather on edge. He must be important for their game tomorrow.

"I passed with flying colours og course, thanks to Y/n and Miss Mills tutoring sessions. Guess who's going to be playing tomorrow-" His brother bonks him on the head as the rest of the team and I are already heading back to club.

"Man and I wasted hour and a half on this."


What turn do ya think this story will take?

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