Chapter 50 ~ Crash

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⚠Trigger warning⚠

Grabbing my bag almost slipping onto the hardwood floor as my feet take over with a mind of their own, I don't even acknowledge the teacher shouting past me about running in the hallway nor even bother changing my indoor shoes with my outdoor ones. Right now, I need to call someone, I need to call the police.

Hand shimmying up to my breast from the view exposed buttons at the collar fingers slipping on the slippery phone, fucking sweat. Trembling as if I dipped in ice cold water, teeth chittering as I make my way past the school gates, eyes quickly scanning the road, the phone rings.

Heart thrumming between my breast and bone as the phone pulls through and the world spins, slowly blinking, breath hitching. My hips pushing, inverting into my pelvis as my right arm buckles against the metal; thrashing, I hear the phone clicks to Chisaki's groggy voice but after that everything blacks out.


Suna yawns as he finally scrubs off todays grime and sweat, Kita can be cruel sometimes and today was it. Nationals are coming up and to be training like the end of the world is at his doorstep is killing his limbs. Phone limply in his hand spinning it between his forefingers as he lazily moves from the gym to the school gate.

He closes his eyes for just a second, a millisecond not even to forget the world when the world came crashing down to him. He gets to the gate only to be greeted by it.

A sharp screech of car tires and one screaming girl buckles his spine when his eyes land upon the scene before him. Gasping, he runs over towards you, your phone cracked and black a foot away from you, your cheek smacked the concrete road blood seeps from you. Forehead, arms, knees, nothing looks good. He runs over towards you skittish, not knowing what to do and what not to do.

The girl screams again, looking over his shoulder he can't remember if he tells her to call for the ambulance or not shut up but when he looks back around to you your groaning, eyes watery and flickering to your hand closest to your face. You shiver in your wake shock trailing from your head down to your contorted spine, Suna looks you over struggling to keep bile from rising when he sees a white broken tooth pick, your bone protruding from your knee.

Trembling he brings his bag down to his kneeling form, shattered glass and tire marks mark the road. Students begin to peddle towards the scene, with shaking fingers he brings his index finger and middle finger to your throat to find a pulse, relieving a sigh when he feels it.

What just happened?

One minute I'm running, calling Chisaki and the next...? Am I lying down? Something hard against my chest, is that a crack I hear?

Blinking I feel the warm watery tears tasting my lips no that's metallic, blood?! Sighing a breath, I wince when pain shoots from my lungs, blood tastes on my tongue more now. That isn't good. It's been a while since I've tasted my own blood.

My ear bleeds with that pitch of a sound, blaring, high, loud and not stopping.

My hand twitches, a large shadowy figure looms over me, a girl screaming gets quieter to her low faint sobs. My phone, Chisaki. Lashes fluttering with dust and blood and tears, sniffling in air burning my lungs. I can't feel my legs but that could be the shock, the impact, the crash.

Someone ran me over.

There wasn't a car on the road.

Is this her...?

Blaring sirens bubble in the distance the foggy darkness prickling the little vision granted to me. It's beginning to hurt now, the swelling pain that was anchored down by the adrenaline and shock is fading and I'm not ready for that just yet, the figure moves away to the side as two separate hands and faces fuzzy into view.

Wait I think I'm going t̶o̶ ̶d̶i̶e̶.


I've been waiting for this


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