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A random Tuesday afternoon, 2021...

The sweet lapping sound of butterscotch rues that melts like fine wine on the ears whilst the static of the radio pours out another round of cordial and the everlasting sound of phones ringing resound the room. There in the tranquillity of distilled water can I finally find inner peace, as if all the moronic imbeciles from my life momentarily vanishes for the briefest, purest of moments that have filled my entire existence. For too long have they filled that void in my life that by this point I had figured I would have either gone insane enough to join them or enlightened enough to ignore their earthly presence. Neither has occurred.

The door to my office creaks off its hinges as if any fool would use their remaining braincells to disturb me in my peace and quiet, still I remain on the edge of my tether. Eyes crinkled shut, the running ache of my shins pressing firmly into the side of the desk and the gnawing pain of my curved back begins to spasm, but I endure and ignore it. All at once a thud of documents or something as heavy as such unapologetically wavers my resolve in playing nice, the Superintendent has already warned me about my crude behaviour and I quote, "This place isn't your home, nor your playground, grow up and start acting like the Inspector that I promoted you to be."

On the contrary, the world is my playground and all you lovely ladies are my playmates whilst the criminals at large that would rather scurry into hiding are the toys that I have been going mad over to find. I dearly love them you see and when one of my Sergent's and Officers act like they have air in their heads it is my sole duty to shake them by the shoulders and scream in their faces. I do wonder how majority of these men got their jobs here in the first place let alone letting them handle a printer or stapling something to the wall correctly, yet it does amaze me how they manage to pull together in a time of crisis. And it's Chief Inspector to you Superintendent. Just remembering that jabbering fools face shifts my mood, my lunch break has really been me trying to enter inner peace within the last forty-five minutes and eventually losing it to the bastard that entered my holy space.

Only one fool would be dumb enough to do such a thing.

The table thuds and rickets whilst a boot stomps impatiently into the cheaply carpeted floor and soon after another sour click of their tongue scrapes away my sanity. It's now a matter of how much pissing off he can do before my eyes lash open and I'd be facing off with his smug little grin. To think I was stupid enough to marry that fucker, I would have been better marrying off to a Miya let alone him. The bane of my existence and yet I do find myself pining for him in the most eye-watering cringe fest way possible. Young me wouldn't have stood for such behaviour and I agree where has my sanity gone, the last of it is waning at best. Like trickles of water to the barren wasteland, that is how I feel majority of the time when it comes to and yet I would repeat this process a thousand times over. Just for him.

"Y/n." Ah here he begins.

"Y/n..." Come on I know you can do better than that where's your umph that you clearly had this morning, my back still hurts from last night's adventures and this morning's treasures.

Again, he moves around me as if this very office is his very own private space, yet I didn't see him getting promoted last month but I take great joy in knowing that it irks him to know that I am now his boss once again. He can't get away, always and forever will he be my loyal mutt; he fucks like one too, but he doesn't need to know that. I feel his embracing heat shudder my outer lining of my protective bubble I know so because the thundering in my heart betrays my cunning stance against him. Just remembering his touch this morning had me quivering in my freshly washed sheets, not that am I one to do laundry, but nothing can beat the smell of fresh bedsheets well maybe except for him. I anticipate it, the rough print of his palms, the scar haunting his knuckles from his school days and the claiming pressure that he is mine just as much that I am his. Only he can have that.

Suddenly my chair punches back and my legs knock from their resting position retracting as if pulled by string and a tad of force. Whilst my feet slip onto the ground, I can't help but reveal the relishing smirk as I flash my eyes open to his. The unwavering blue chills my spine yet the very look he's staring at me with does something unruly as if his desires reach out and licks me. Hunching over his broadening shoulders crinkle his messily strewn white dress shirt but by God those forearms flesh out of those cuffs with a teasing taunt. I can't help the way my hands catch up to them and smother along the surface, my grip widening by his girth.

"It better be good for this rude awakening." Quickly scanning the clock - I have time - hanging besides the photo frame of when the 'Go help out' Club got awarded medals of honour.

I remember that day as if it was yesterday, it was exactly a year after the events had ensued and that wench had been called guilty upon all charges, then did the prefecture recognise us by offering us something only true heroes can get. I wouldn't call myself that today, but I do enough good deeds to lay my rest at any given moment, still I have my green medal sitting comfortably in one of my chests of drawers. The funny thing is however I keep in contact with Atsumu till this day, I wouldn't even have fathomed that punk would do it, but he did, and he played for Japan in the Olympics with my ex-boyfriend, Suna, me and him barely lasted six months. It took another year for me to realise my feelings for this one, I may be slow in some aspects of my life, but I got to credit him for truly being a gift sent by God. He's a saint for staying loyal this entire time and I couldn't fathom my life without him, he's simply irreplaceable.

His brow quirks, his face looming closer than necessary because I would be obliged to do all my misdeeds upon him. The brush of his lip's feathers across my own, I look down and then up back at him expectations written blatantly all over my face. He smirks stealing a peck before straightening up like a pin.

"Nothing." He adds mischievously, shrugging off his woeful charm whilst I internally groan always wanting more.

His haste towards the door however is beguiling and yet very out of character, the door creaks again. As if his body alights with a bulb flashing before his head as he turns with that cheeky little grin once more.

"Oh, before I forget your clock is broken it has been for a while now, and the Superintendent is waiting in his office for you." The door slams shut.



I had begun writing this back in September 2020 and it has taken me nearly two years to finish this process. Honestly everything has gone as planned, the book length and yes, whilst some parts were there as filters between arcs I did plan for the plot twist very early on. For everyone that stuck around all this time just THANK YOU!! 

You all really made this book worth writing, this is my first crime/thriller/drama book with a sub-plotline of romance and honestly it was so fun, especially Y/n.

I had taken my main inspiration from another account on here @gravehop from their book - kill cheerleader

It was a masterpiece despite what they might say about the book, to me it's what got me thinking, 'what's not been done yet? Or what is the gap in the Haikyuu!! fanbase and would they love it? I didn't really care for the last question cos as you know I just create for the fun of it.

Anyway, this is a stand alone book and there won't be a sequel to it, I will be rewriting the first half seeing how it barely matches up with my current style. Thank you and keep a look out for any one of my books!

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