Chapter 10 ~ Act 1 Scene 3

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"Is this really necessary?" Atsumu adds fidgeting in his chair, looking up from the menu I give him a tight lip smile ushering him to shut the fuck up before I sew his damn lips to his ass.

"Can't you be a little grateful, I'm actually wearing clothes for you. I could've just spent today like I always do but no Atsumu this is necessary. We've already been called out for being fake as well as multiple girls within your fandom still have the gall to confess to you. So yes this is necessary, in your tiny little brain we need to make this look real so we can catch the damn psychos stalking you." I whisper yell at him putting the menu in front of us making it look like as if I'm being a little too shy on my first date with my boyfriend.

"You didn't have to insult me to get the point across." He pouts moving the menu aside as a short brunette haired girl in a white dress shirt and a brown apron appears. I watch as the gall of the girl flirt openly with Atsumu, and how he puts on a forced smile but she seems none the wiser by it and continues flirting with him.

Scoffing I finally gain her attention, she glares at me I dare not to flinch or bat an eye at her audacity to try and scare me away.

"I think we're ready to order now, I will have a hot chocolate with the crepe sundae as well as the rocky road brownie including the peanut butter sandwiches and some scotch eggs for the side, hunny what do you want it's my treat?" Both the girl and Atsumu gawk at my mighty appetite before coughing an ordering waffles and syrup with an a ice tea.

But the girl doesn't leave so I do the next best thing.

"Babey when we get home tonight lets fuck so loudly that the neighbours will be hearing us in their dreams and oh we can use the new stuff that came in today." Atsumu brows rise straight to his hairline but quickly catches himself coughing and nodding, sliding his callous hand onto mine. I gag internally at the contact.

"Yess, Daddy will be giving you all that you want tonight baby girl especially a hard spanking for you." So disgusted the girl huffs and stomps away giving me death glares left right and centre.

We burst out laughing, I quickly retract my hand from his I don't dare miss the hurt that travels across his face whilst doing so, sighing I take out my notebook flipping to the page. Feeling Atsumu's gaze linger on my body makes me shiver in disgust moving the notebook around to face him drawing my pen to the place that I want him to read.

His golden eyes fall to the cream lined pages of my notebook, rather than watching him I drift my attention to the scenery around us. We took the window seat, I know how cliche of me to do so but it is really nice out today. It rained early this morning making the plants bloom just a tad brighter when the sun shines just in the right spot. Turning around after feeling the piercing gaze of the setter he keeps his gaze with a dust of pink on his cheeks.

"So, do you have any recommendations?" I add flicking his gaze away like a grain of rice, he coughs before turning his attention back to the book.

"I haven't spoken to many of the third years but..." He stops as the same waitress as before puts down the many dishes that I ordered glaring at me as if she could kill me. Atsumu waited for her to leave to finish his sentence.

"But there is one that I have spoken to-"

"Kyotatsu Okitawa." We say at the same time. His eyes widen when I take the notebook back.

"Thought so, she was there at the meeting. I understand that she stans for Kita right and not you? If so she must be overlooking the second years that are your so called fans, this runs deeper than I thought." I add quickly jotting down my thoughts into the page.

"Y-yeah, she is actually his childhood friend." Stopping with the ink taking it off the paper I look up at him.

"Tell me everything, tell me all the girls that you know, past by or even speak to. I want information on all of you." I glare at him with a deadpan look, this case just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

I begin to dig into my food as he spills the beans about all his exes and his female friends as well as some of the regular fan girls that approach him after practice. Damn this guy is really a douche bag, how many girls did he date in a span of a year, and besides that the amount of girls that he flirts with.

"Question, Why  did they break up with you?" I say tapping my pen on the edge of the table, he  cringes sighing leaning back into the chair.

"Most of the time they feared that I wasn't in love with them or that I'm too much of a volleyball freak." Quirking a brow at such information circling the names of some of his exes as the the check makes it way over, but before I could pay the shit head swipes his card with a shit eating grin.

"If you feel that bad about it, then we could always do this again but next time you treat me." The urge to punch him is getting real often nowadays.

"Oh yeah, I have an open practice tomorrow. I think it would be good for you to show up." He adds scratching the back of his head while donning on his jacket. Slipping out of the chair scowling at the boy checking my watch.

"I've got to go, but yeah sure I'll come."


I told that there would be some scenes

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