Chapter 3 ~ Act 1 Scene 1

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"~Tsum-tsum-kun let's eat lunch together, just you and me~" I coo standing close to his desk while caressing his cheek.

"That would be perfect, Y/n-chan." He nods leaning more into my palm, his brown eyes leering up to meet my e/c ones.

"Great I'll see you at lunch then~toodles" I wave returning back to my class, already the stares of the girls follow me.

Lunch came and me and Atsumu made sure to eat somewhere quiet but somewhere in sight. Like the deal he bought me food.

"How's volleyball coming along heard you went to nationals last year and with prelims coming up you must be stressed out?" I bite into my onigiri while we sit cross legged from each other behind the school building.

"Didn't think you were the one to care?" I shrug while he bites into his meat bun.

"I don't but for the sake of small talk I do" I sit listening to the whooshing of the the trees and the slight pitter patter of footsteps.

"Well it's going good, I've no doubt that we're going to nationals this year and a good chance at winning this." I hum in delight finishing of my onigiri and going in for another.

"That's good I'll be your number 1 fan from now on~Tsum-tsum-kun ~" I smirk leaning in, his eyes widen but he manages to keep a poker face.

I catch the slightest movement from the corner of my eye close to the wall, Atsumu stiffens while he feels the eyes. I lean in further and breathe in his intoxicating smell my lips grace the edges of his, from the angle that the girl is looking from it looks like we are locking lips.

I pull away leaving a stunned boy I grab my trash and my bag, while still smiling a soft smile at Atsumu.

"Come on ~Tsum-tsum-kun the bell is about to go." It takes a while for him to get up but once we do I feel it's safe enough to speak once again.

"Sorry about that but I wanted to provoke her."


That is all he said before we go off into our separate classes.



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Chisaki Muguru
Second year same class as you
Your best friends 


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Rei Tashinori 
Second year

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Ronnie Saitama
First year (Changed his pfp)


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Akihito Yakamada
Second year

Sorry short chapter

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