Chapter 49 ~ Oh my god

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The chair creaks as my body shifts from the tingles of one cheek to the next, the board meeting for today is drawing out longer than I first expected, the afternoon light is turning a mixture of sunset hues. Dad will be home soon, and I'm already guaranteed an earful from Kazuki, Akihito sighs placing down the final batch of papers, Rei-chan hovers around the filing cabinet sifting through what we can throw away.

"How's the preparation going for the entrance exams this year?" I left such a duty with Akihito knowing that he wouldn't be easily distracted like a certain bad boy here.

Chisaki smirks knowingly as if he can read my thoughts, I wouldn't put it past him, I'm quite literally an open book to him. Sitting adjacent to my desk he too is sifting through old reports and reviewing what we did to solve the request. Ronnie finally drags his feet through the door, I heard he had detention from science class something about setting a kids notebook on fire, honestly who wouldn't.

"Ah, the lovebird is here." Chisaki comments, I frown at his remark and give him a look before addressing the snail.

"Ronnie you can help Akihito with the entrance exams prep work, and Chisaki for the love of god, get me a fucking drink." He puffs before stretching out of his leather chair, finger tapping the wood.

"Orange?" Nodding, he walks out the others ignoring my outburst.

My phone buzzes.

Oh right... slipping it out of my breast the phone chimes once again this time it's Atsumu texting me well his phone. Asking about how long it'll last for; this is about today isn't it.

Honestly, I just hope for all this shit to be over and done with, I'm not a detective, I'm not magical, I'm just me, a simple human. And to think something like this is happening here in this school is just bizarre and to Atsumu of all people. To hear about is one thing but to be in the thick of it is another thing entirely, especially to know that person and to be in the inner circle is a total nightmare.

Why did I help him?

"Y/n-chan, what are we doing with the Atsumu case?" Rei-chan shifts off her heels, she holds the case file between her fingers.

"Bin it." Akihito states but Rei-chan doesn't she waits for my call.

Looking over at the plastic file tagged with a closed label, I usher her forwards.

"I want to look over it." Ronnie sighs scrunching his hair in his fist when I spot him on his phone.

"Why? Isn't the case over with." Chisaki comes back bearing gifts for us all, him eating some pocky between his lips like a rabbit with a celery stick.

"Well, I just want to."

"You're weird."

"We all know that." Akihito adds, his dark blue hair poking out from the mounds of paperwork he pushed onto his side.

Looking at everyone, it's been a long day and something like this can be sorted out tomorrow.

"Let's pack up, we have homes to get to." A unanimous sigh of relief expels throughout the room, I punch Chisaki for joining in, the asshole did nothing to help.

Moving everything away to an accessible location for tomorrow morning I come across a small sticky note, ah, this must be... wait a minute I've seen this before. It's the yellow sticky note about the fandoms teaching advisor, turning it over from the sticky side back finding the crumpled-up lettering of one name.

Staggering to the seat as my weight becomes too heavy, Chisaki waits the door, everyone else already filed out and gone, he knocks to see what I'm doing.

"You're really a workaholic." He jokes but that's not why I'm sitting down, it came like a headache.

"No, no you can go ahead I have some stuff to finish up on." He frowns not exactly buying my excuse but sighs anyway before making a hand sign to call him later, I nod waving him goodbye.

Left to my own devices, the sun setting behind me feeling the last touches of the rays before the cold moves in. many students have already left or are leaving to go. The boys' volleyball team should be packing up right about now, it is late. I was lucky to get a day off from them, boy's really are like little kids when left to their own devices.

Reopening the case file, the first page opens up to Atsumu's identity page and his request, where everything started. Finger picking at the bent corners to tracing over some key words. Sucking on my lip, chewing it, flipping the post-it note around to the palm of my hand.

My mind racing back to the times everyone's warned me.

"Don't follow the red herrings look closer at the puppeteers."

It was trickling at the back of my mind as if the dam is breaking, cracking open.

"Don't let the facade blur what's real and what's not."

Have I been so ignorant to blur out what's really happening.

"You thought it was me doing all that, you got it wrong Y/n. The club would never do that, and you know it, don't be fooled by the red herring."

Was I so focused on getting my job done that I've never been seeing the bigger picture at all?

"Why should I tell you anything, you really are dumb, a dumb motherfucker who knows nothing. Didn't I already tell you; THE CLUB DIDN'T DO SHIT!"

Gasping as my hand trails down the crumpled note eyes flashing open quickly scanning the file, the last piece falling into place.

The club. The notes. The threats. The behind-the-scenes mastery. The wolf in sheep's clothing. The photos.

I know who it is.


Ahoy, my readers this story is soon coming to an end and despite it not being a romance fic I hope you stick around to find out the ending

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