Hopian 100 Part 2 - Eyes' of God

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Meanwhile, closer to the center of the Hopian Continent...

Head Commander Prósopsi's P.O.V.

"Sir- sir!" I hear a voice call out which gets my attention as me, Ontarus, Aora and Ufisator walk down a fairly nice but unpopulated street in the dark. Normally we would split up for our patrols, but due to our current mission I felt that grouping up would be smarter.

"What's wrong?" I ask the voice, and looking to the side of me I can see a little girl running towards me-

Aphrodite blurts out, "Hey idiot-"

"I know." I mumble as I raise my finger, which with the help of Aphrodite's aim causes a small wall of cement to rise up from the ground between us and the girl-


"Damn- a bit harsh there no Commander?" Ontarus says, cringing as he leans forward to try to check on the girl who ran into the small wall I just made... yikes...

The girl starts to cry as she backs away from the wall with a bloody nose... haaaah... ok I get it world I REALLY need training. Though before I say anything to the girl I look to make sure Aora and Ufisator are still watching out for us (just in case)- and luckily they still are.

"Sorry about that miss. But since those bad guys are running around, we have to be very careful about close contact with citizens. So please stay there. Anyways, what did you want to see us for? And where are your parents?" I ask- with that contact rule only being implemented in case those criminals ever wanted to use a suicide bomb on a bystander or something.

"I-I-I just wanted to see you sir... mommy sh-she told me that you were the one who hurt all those- those people instead of that robot. And I s-saw you outside my window and- so I wanted to see you myself, since normally you're so cool and- and-"

"It's alright, I get it." I say, but inside my head I groan... poor kid, her mom is another one of those crazy conspiracy theorists. I don't even have the raw power to make a hole like that in the first place that quickly. Idiots...

"No surprise that that kinda mom let her kid out of her sight." Ontarus mumbles with a scoff- and I entirely agree with him.

Yet another reason for why I support the registered apartments here... people get to live their lifes without a worry in the world with our tech. AND they aren't able to think of and spread stupid dangerous ideas like this which can SERIOUSLY cause revolutions... like Kodan's before we took him out.

"I promise- neither me- or anyone from the government made that hole. So you're brave for standing up for the tru-"

"Head... CommanderPrósopsi- you have... beenoffguard... for quite a while now." Ufisator says which surprises me- until I remember that I instructed him to tell me if I ever got distracted.

"Yeah I'll be a minute, just keep watch. Anyways miss... oh wait- do you watch Tracers of the Stars?" I ask, as after squinting a little I can see a patch on her shirt which has the face of the cartoons main heroine on it- Dove.

"Oh God out comes the loser..." Aprhodite groans as she - tch- she's the real loser here, that show was SO underrated. It was made for kids originally but- the messages it had were so mature.

"Yeah! It's- it's my favourite!" She replies... wait... ah! I have an idea to help that mom too. This is important- even one person with dumb ideas can start a whole chain of violence after all.

"Remember when Dove used her fire of hell to save Lucas? Watch this." I say after the girl nods, and so I stick out my finger and set it ablaze with the powers of... ah I forget. Anyways- as planned, I use the power of Hercules to- with some effort, rip off a piece of my white robe.

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