Hopian 117 - Broken Levee

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Last chapter, Ontarus continued sneaking through the Red Fists' base. That was until Laya, the groups loyalty checker, spotted the Commander and alerted the base that an intruder was present.

This led to chaos when Ontarus activated his sword Bahari's ability, which caused a massive amount of stored seawater on the continent to rush into the base to his aid, which seemed to have a mind of it's own- and that he can also control.

Ontarus then stumbled across Laya once more, however before he could kill her- Kodan finally arrived and launched himself right at the Commander...

A few minutes earlier...

Restroid's P.O.V.

"Kodan sure does love living his life on the edge, telling you to keep me down here for so long! Not like falling off a measly edge would stop him anyways though with his mighty gravity powers, YASHASHASHA! In all seriousness though how long until the fated battle pal?" King Metallica asks as he spins his head 360 degrees to stare at me: while slapping a "punching bag" that is hanging from the metal ceiling in front of him.

"It is not yet the time. They are most likely going to deal with the minor intruder first." I tell him which makes him nod and spin his head back around to his target.

Convincing King Metallica to hide down in the base's bunker was relatively simple with a false "order" from Kodan. Commander Ontarus and perhaps some others are most likely what triggered the base's minor intruder alarm. However I imagine Ontarus will start wrecking havoc momentarily after his true identity is discovered. And due to our hackers disabling most of the Hopian Army's communication networks: there is a high chance that he will be forced to use every means necessary to survive.

"Do you truly believe that this continent will be a better place after our raid: King Metallic-"

"Of course you temporary-fool, you know how much greater things will be with the brilliant sun shining, more people to bond and chat with on the streets- everything will be better! Kodan promised me and I've sure learned that he's a man of his oath!" King Metallica interrupts me. Well: his answer is expected but disappointing nonetheless.

It will take a fair bit of time to change his opinions on Kodan: and to make him realize that I am correct. So be it.

Moments later I can start to hear screaming and shouting from the outside of our bunker. A moment after that, the bases imminent threat alarm begins to ring.

"Hmmm? What in the Five Kings' names' is going on up there? Doesn't that alarm mean something pretty nasty is happening?" King Metallica asks me as he steps away from the punching bag and slaps his hands just behind his ears: in order to "hear better".

"A test. Did you truly forget when Kodan told you that the red alert alarm would be tested today? He will not like that. If you stay down here however: I will not tell him about your ignorance." I say: which makes King Metallica jolt: then lower his head as he looks away from me. "Gaslighting" humans call it: very useful.

"Kodan, King Metallica!! Where the hell are you- help us damn it, Ontarus is here!" A foolish man shouts from the outside of our bunker. A traitor as well for mentioning our trump card's name.

"Ignore hi-"

"What?! Restroid tole me this was just a test!" King Metallica shouts: detrimental: he promised me he would not speak to anyone outside of our bunker.

"Metallica? The fuck you mean a test hundreds of people are already dead, get out here!" The man shouts which causes King Metallica to start running up the bunker's stairs and towards it's entrance that is above us.

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