Hopian 42 - Noble

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Last chapter, after Abigail begs the trio to stop the wicked mayor of Birzion, the three head out in order to put an end to his rule with brute force. After some time, they come across a huge mansion, in which they know to be his as his name is messily printed on the door of the home.

45 years ago, in the heart of the Hopian Territory, the Hopian Continent.

Noble's P.O.V.

"Hm... so for every action force, there's a reaction force of equal magnitude, and in the opposite direction. Oh! Then that's how running works, and why master hurts her hands so much, haha, cool!" I try to say to myself quietly with a grin as I finish reading through my physics textbook, closing the amazing thing and pushing it aside on my wooden desk that I use for my work.

That is until the door to my dark room slams open, "What the hell are ya doing up?! Get to bed already, we're waking up at 6 AM sharp tomorrow damn it and it's already past midnight!" The mighty beast that is my master yells in a deranged fashion, standing by the door with her long messy brown hair, and in her classic orange night gown that she wears to bed every night.

"Right, right, I'm sorry for waking you up." I say meekly to please her and to hopefully lower my punishments in the morning.

"Honestly, what does a girl have to do to get her beauty sleep..." She mumbles with a yawn as she slams my door shut, leaving me a bit shaken up but she sure won't dampen my mood by any means.

"Sheesh, she sure is scary..." I whisper to myself as I walk over to my bed on the floor that lays by my desk, crawling into it as I'm already wearing my pajamas.

"Ugh, these things smell..." I think to myself with a scrunched up nose as I lay in my sheets that havent been washed in months, "But, hey, I've gotta be optimistic, at least even the bed bugs wouldn't want to come near this nasty smell!" I finish with a small contanined giggle.

I then close my eyes with my worries brushed aside, "I don't get it. There's so many people out there who know so little about how the very world we live in even works! Like, how many ordinary Hopian's know the real reason for why we need seatbelts in our zooming cars, other than "You'll go flying and die!"? I know the answer, almost none! Or what about why it's harder to push a car that's not moving than when it's already in motion? No one!" I rant to myself telepathically.

"...I guess I am being a bit mean. Even if physics is great and super important, I can't blame people for not taking the time to learn it. After all, this continent barely gives people enough time to even spend time with their family as is- so I can understand why taking the precious time out of their lives to learn something like this that isn't needed to get by in life would be crazy..." I think to myself sadly as I roll over on my squeaky mattress.

"But! That's why me and master are going to change this entire territory, we've got plans even bigger than Vega! Ever since she saved me from those awful guys all those years ago, she's been letting me stay at this horri- cool apartment, and even feeding me everyday! And plus, she's been training me every single day for the past few years- and I guess I can't be complete brains over brawn so it helps..." I think drowsily and optimistically, as a frown going to bed never does anyone any good.


"Hey, Noble, get yer ass out of bed already or I'll kick said ass." My master says calmly with a yawn as she knocks on my bedroom, she sure loves to joke around.

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