Hopian 94 - Take Up and Read

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Last chapter, the story went back 253 years to King Metallica's first memories. After he came alive, the confused robot slaughtered both those who opposed him and the King of the island he woke up on. As the leader of Demosri is determined by strength, Metallica immediately inherited the throne to the islands willing citizens. And the first thing he did was... throw a massive party!

King Metallica's P.O.V.

"Wow, it seems like everyone truly did drink until they fainted! I do wonder why I'm not sleeping as well however... I sure am different aren't I, hahaha!" I say to myself with a laugh as I stand up from one of the many long but currently T.R.A.S.H.E.D. wooden clothed tables in front of us. I glance- ah never mind I spin my head to the side, which allows me to look out one of the massive windows... never mind that's a brick well, there aren't any windows here, this place is heavily secured!


Knowing that my citizens are secured inside of the scary looking castle, I walk through the massive wood and metal barred gates to the palace that I just pushed open with a tad bit of difficulty. The early morning sky is above me along with the cresent moon. For the most part the sky is mainly a calming dark blue, however there is also a sheet of light pink clouds being in the far distance next to it.

"Beautiful! Hmmmm... but now that I'm out here by myself what should I do..." I ponder to myself as I swing my arm up to my chin and start tapping it with my index finger. Solemnly though, what am I supposed to d-

"AHA! That's right, yesterday the fine lass... Melissan was her name! Anyways yes she said I should go back to where I woke up to get some hints about myself! I'll do just that, maybe I've got some more cool bodily functions I haven't discovered yet... although hopefully I don't discover anything disheartening also." I say to myself in contemplation, but end up shrugging my shoulders and walking anyways, to my birthplace here I go!

An hour later...


"Oh come on there has to be something besides nonsense here..." I complain as I flip over another dead fly covered body on the floor to try and find something, but there's still squat!

I've been looking around the secretive wooden attic room for a while now, with the blood from the white coated people and their killers having dried up on the dark brown floor.

"Perhaps around where I was lying beforehand...?" I say as I stomp over and crush a persons head as I walk to the side of the long metal rectangle thing... I suppose that's a bed? A terrible one at that, but more importantly there's S.T.I.L.L. NOTHING!


I kick my foot into the rectangular thing in front of me, "I've got people to rule over ya kno- ohhhh?" I say after I can hear a lower part of the lackluster bed adjust itself. And looking down, another miniscule rectangle- AKA a drawer with a dusty book inside of it has creeped out of the side of the thing!

So of course I enthusiastically retrieve the hopefully beautiful but thick book from below, and after dusting it off a little I can see the words "The Anatomy of King Metallica" written on it's gray cover! Although admittedly this more looks like a notebook than a true story book, but it should help me regardless!

"Let's see here..." I mumble as I lick my finger and turn the books page- but- that only managed to stain the books page with wine! So I don't have any saliva either it seems... so then how do I eat... T.H.I.S. is why I must study my anatomy no matter how grotesque it may be!

The book states in pencil, "To the future generations reading this, hey, I'm Koltek Milraek- the creator of your leader King Metallica. Or maybe you're reading this yourself, my King."

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