Hopian 67 - Cannibal

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Last chapter, the annual Holiday celebrating the birth of the Five Kings begun, Kingmas. Due to this as tradition Head Commander Prósopsi sent out the Commanders to go door to door to the citizens houses in order to make them feel more secure and happy in general. Back to the quartet, King Metallica wakes up the fairly uncooperative trio early in the morning in order to celebrate his favorite holiday and to finish their journey to Hopian's supposed greatest and sole remaining library.

Seric's P.O.V.

"I know I shouldn't have the right to be after killing that guy, but whoa... this snow really is calming and pretty..." I think to myself as me, Karia, and an ecstatic King Metallica walk through the snow covered abandoned roads of the Hopian Continent as Amandeath sleeps over King Metallica's shoulder, luckily with her being in her pink blue pajamas now.

"...Hey King Metallica, don't you think Amandeath is uh, you know kind of cold just wearing pajamas? Even I'm a bit chilly..." I say to him as I cross my arms to prove my point wearing Karia's thick hoodie.

"Hmhmhmhm- oh Nope! She told me she was fine before! And besides even pal #2 isn't cold wearing her super E.X.P.O.S.I.N.G. wide open blue vest shirt type o' deal, right pal #2?" He asks as he spins his crown covered head towards Karia and looks down at her.

"Actually, hm... Seric, give me back my hoodie." Karia asks as she holds out her hand.

"Hm? Oh, sure. Thanks for letting me wear it for now, you probably get colder than me so-"

"Now." She only says...

I sigh at my failed attempt to kiss up to her and start to pull my arms out of the sleeves, until I eventually pull it over my head and put it in her hand.

"Aw, sharing is caring you know! Nice job pals! But, boy oh boy I can't wait to show you guys E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. at the library we're almost there, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!" King Metallica shouts with enthusiasm which makes me smile a bit- though I stop as a breeze blows by and makes my eyes open wide.

"Shit it's way colder now... but hold on wait second, back at Magthera I couldn't feel any heat, so why am I getting so cold now? Maybe my body is just immune to heat? But why would it be though..." I think to myself while heavily squinting my face through the blowing snow while King Metallica continues to hum a tune while stomping through the snow and exaggeratingly swinging his arms.

A few hours later...

"H-Hey guys can we-we-we take a break soon? I'm cold..." I mumble in a jittery tone as I cross my arms and continue to walk with the three- yes three Amandeath is walking now through a snow covered alleyway.

Though, through the few times I've looked, Karia is shivering just as much as I am- but still isn't even wearing the hoodie I gave back to her...

"Oh come on pal it's Kingmas, don't worry this S.U.P.E.R. chilly weather'll toughen your invincible self right up trust me!" King Metallica says with enthusiasm and I just sigh in response- and get a glare back from him which immediately makes me stop. Not internally though, I could care less about Kingmas at this point...

"...Hey Karia, you took it back so why don't you put your sweater on anyways?... Too small or something?" I ask carefully as not to offend her.

"Oh, no I could wear it fine. I just didn't want you wearing it is all, unlike a inhuman bastard like you I can actually take the cold." Karia says with a casual look on her face which makes me squeeze my eyes shut and clench my fists so hard that it starts hurts.

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