Hopian 99 Part 1 - Cheer Up

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Last part, Elio found out that Xalen completely failed his final test of his university year before his exams- however he didn't seem to be too sad as he revealed he has plans to try to become an actor. This idea however was instantly shut down by his parents, and so Elio once again goes to try to comfort his brother- only to find that he seems fine- and has some plans to keep himself occupied...

Elio's P.O.V.

A few hours later...


"Yeah- dropping from the top, he used to be the King. Ring out from confliction, but for how long- is it better to stay down or stand up and fight? Man like hell if I know what's right...... damn it." I curse after saying that last verse... I mean overall it sounds great even if my inspiration is pretty obvious. But that hit a little too close to home I guess...

"...Ha. Guess I know I can never try to be a rapper for SURE now, based on the reaction Xalen got from Mom and Dad about being an actor. ...Why do I care about that? It should've been obvious from the beginning. I can just do this stuff on the side of my courses. ...wait. Shit. Next year is just going to be even harder since I'm starting my internships too... I mean... suck it up. Could be worse..." I say with a frown and shrug my shoulders, then slap myself in the face after my eyes start to get teary.

"At least I actually kinda like my program- unlike Xalen. Yeah. I like learning about software and... physics... algebra... not so much... but I can bare them. My job will make all of this pay off... or... I hope I like it though. But... shit. Like I said before all I'll be doing then is making this place even more incompetent. I'll probably just be working on some software for those "living" registered citi-blobs in their chairs and headsets..." I think to myself as I stare down at my knees.

"...I wish those Red Fist people could have changed this place." I think to myself with a sigh... of course the news painted their leader Kodan out to be a terrible monster- but from my own research I found that that wasn't the entire story by a longshot.

"Whatever. They died out months ago now anyways... that's probably why Prósopsi was so happy during that Halloween Festival." I think to myself with a scoff as I regretfully look back up to my computer. The latest physics lecture I had was so confusing that I have a literal 40 year old webpage open on the screen- which yes I had to scour the web for. The author of the page seems to be some kid named Noble- damn... now I just feel stupid.

A few days later...

"...Xalen if this is a joke we are NOT laughing!" I hear mom shout out from his room... oh no... he said he was going to tell them about the test he bombed today... this is going to get bad.

I look down to my desk at my headphones... should I just tune this out?

"OH MY GOD XALEN!! You- there is NO way you can get the average you need now- even to just pass would be- AGH! What do you have to say for yourself?!" Dad shouts... no. I won't tune them out. I want to hear them at their worst to see if they really are this bad...

Anyways... Xalen doesn't reply, and a few seconds later I hear a loud slap coming from the room?!

"You... this will follow you on your records forever... on our- YOUR reputation. You're meant to be the of the smartest people of this continent- now you're just like the countless people who live in simulations every day. What happened Xalen?! Hah... your father and I will discuss whether or not we will be evicting you from our home." ...Mom says as I can hear both her and Dad stomping out of Xalen's room, and at the same time my eyes start to water... no way... how could they?! He still can save his marks- somehow- and after one test they're giving up on him?!

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