Hopian 92 Part 1 - Close Combat

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A/N: Was thinking of saving this for the 2 year anniversary but eh, couldn't wait any longer- anyways wanted to show off this sick artwork of Seric by MangaStoryFan! Yes you're probably wondering why he has a sword and a non white knife and all

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A/N: Was thinking of saving this for the 2 year anniversary but eh, couldn't wait any longer- anyways wanted to show off this sick artwork of Seric by MangaStoryFan! Yes you're probably wondering why he has a sword and a non white knife and all. If so, check out his artbook- he made a theory to accompany the drawing which the art is based off of! And hey while you're on his account maybe check out his other stuff too, pretty damn nice-

Also, a little patch note to the story. I modified the silver circles that came out of Restroid's (blonde haired robot dude's) arms and blasted out those blue flames. They're now just square shaped holes, and have a bronze rim on them. Anyways-

Last chapter, a boy named Nancite lost both of his parents after being abducted by the new version of the Red Fists. Now, after Metallic recognized and approached the leaders voice, Restroid, who was in fact an old pal of Metallic's... he and Amandeath are now being attacked by the gang as well.

Amandeath's P.O.V.


"PAL #3 ARE YOU OK?!" Metallic blares out as I'm keeping my head low while running past- and dodging the shooters with terrible aim in the narrow alley around me. Good thing I started running right after Metallic got thrown down, but fuck me I didn't have time to load any ammo into my baby...

"I'll get out of this alley and use the walls as cover- but first craaaaaap, roadblock." I think to myself but get interrupted as I can see a short guy with brown hair standing in front of me who's jabbing a knife towards my left shoulder. So just like always I slow down, then mumble "My Reaction to Action", clapping his armed hand together with both of my faster hands just as the blade pokes me. Of course my hit causes the lil' weapon to fly out of his grip before it does any real damage though.

Anyways right after that as I'm already kinda loooow to the ground, I spring myself up and knee his thigh in the process, causing him to fall over as yep- that's a pressure point.


But anyways, the gang finally continues to fire at me again as I jump over the guys body, with one of the bullets tearing through my shirt and another scraping my arm.

"H.E.Y. quit shooting at her I've only got one Amandeath you knooooo..." Metallic says as his voice dims out, shiiiiiit- must have got paralyzed.

"Whatever. Anyways thought so, since they stopped shooting while that knifer was right next to me they want to avoid getting any friendlies hurt, also they don't seem to be trying to blast my vitals- so change of plans." I come to a sick conclusion as I skid on the ground to stop again, spin myself around as I almost fall over, and lunge towards the brown haired knifers limp body that I just took out.

"Any of you move at all and I'll crush your friends windpipe, and I know how to." I tell em' as I get back up on my knees, pull the guy up in front of me to use him as a meatshield, and point my fingers right on to the wimpering guys throat. These people aren't professional that's for sure...

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