Chapter 10

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My head slams against the table and I groan. I had slept comfortably on the sofa and had woken up feeling good, so good that I made breakfast for us all. But I made the mistake of turning on their small radio.

"The Dragonflies' fire bender was indeed Princess Ulazu! But now she is out of the tournament it'll be surprising if she doesn't use the recent Equalist threats as training for next year." The voice on the radio goes on. I don't understand why they are expecting me to help them with the equalists. This is their city, if I had a problem in mine they wouldn't help me. Only if the threat becomes a global threat should they assume other nations would help.

"It's probably not a good idea to listen to that." A voice says as they enter the room. I don't need to look up to know that it's Bolin, and so I don't. I keep my head against the table.

"You're right, it's not. I made you guys some food." I say raising my hand and pointing in the general direction of it. I hear Bolin's footsteps on the wooden floor as he grabs the food and sits next to me at the table.

"I didn't know you could cook. I thought Princess' have people that cook for them." Bolin jokes.

"I learnt when I had no one to cook for me." My reply comes muffled against the table. I hear Bolin try it and there's a moment of silence. I lift my head up to look at him. I hope I haven't made something bad for them. But as soon as I see is adorable face I notice his wide smile.

"Hmm, Ula, this is amazing." He hums as he takes another mouthful.

"Yeah, you like it?" I ask. His smile grows as he turns to me.

"Like it? It's making me question whether the Water Tribe food is the best." He says as he fills his mouth up again. I exaggerate the amount of disgust I feel by sticking out my tongue and turning away from him.

"You like Water Tribe food? Yuck!" I say fake gagging. Bolin frowns at me and raises his spoon and points it at me.

"Don't hate it before you try it." He says causing me to laugh. More footsteps enter the room and I look up to see Mako.

"Mako, Ulazu made us breakfast." Bolin says before shovelling in more food.

"You did?" He responds as he walks over to the bowl on the side. He raises his eyebrow at it and turns to me questionably. "What is it?" He asks.

"Gruel. Though I like mine with spices so I put some in. You don't have to have it if you don't want to." I say quickly, fearing that he might not like it. I understand that it isn't the most appealing thing to look at, but the taste is amazing, well to me at least.

"No, my brother seems to like it, so I'll try it." He says taking the bowl and sitting down next to Bolin. I laugh and lean back slightly.

"I wouldn't trust what he likes. He seems to eat anything." I tease. Bolin scowls at me whilst Mako laughs.

"You have a point there." He laughs, but he takes a mouthful anyway. His eyes widen immediately and he hums happily. He then turns to me. "Wow, this is really good." He says causing me to smile.

"Good, I'm glad. Hopefully this can make up for me staying here until I can get a job." I say. Mako's smile fades slightly.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I'm not expecting to stay here for free. And whilst the Equalists know who I am, I know it's probably not a good idea to get a new loft or apartment anywhere. So, if I'm staying here for the time being, I should be paying rent." I explain. Bolin stops eating and looks between me and his brother.

"Ula, you don't need to pay rent. You're our guest." Bolin says.

"Thank you. But I just want a normal life, and normal lives mean paying rent. So let me help. It's the least I can do after everything." I practically beg.

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