Chapter 20

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Bolin's P.O.V.

After what happened last night, the police decided it was best to close down the arena, which means me and Mako can't stay here anymore. I'm not really bothered by it, if I'm honest, I'm more worried about Ula than I am where I'm living. She almost died yesterday, yet after Korra healed her she walked off as if nothing had happened. I need to go and see her.

Mako walks into the room with Asami, both share wide smiles as they look at me.

"Bro, Asami has said that we can stay with her." Mako says.

"Really?" I ask looking at Asami who smiles and nods.

"Yeah, we have tones of room for you guys." She replies.

"Isn't this great, let's start packing." Mako says. He walks to the side and starts packing up his things.

"Yeah, it's amazing. Thank you, Asami." I say beaming at her. I make my way to my things and start packing them into my bag. I don't have much, neither does Mako. We haven't really been able to own a lot because we move around a lot and it's safe to say we don't have a lot of money.

"Have either of you spoken to Ulazu today?" Asami asks after a moment of quietness. I look up and I see her looking at us both.

"No, but I'm going to find her later to make sure she's okay." I respond. Asami nods at my response and I turn back to my things.

"She totally kicked Amon's ass yesterday." She says sounding proud.

"What actually happened? We heard screams, was that her?" Mako asks. Instantly I feel uncomfortable. As curious as I am, I don't want to hear about Ulazu getting hurt.

"They were about to take the Wolf-Bats' bending, but then she kind of just flew in and started fighting Amon. I've actually got some papers from this morning." She says as she reaches into her bag and pulls out a newspaper. Mako and I stop what we're doing and look at the paper. She opens it up and stops at the page with two pictures. The first one Ulazu is standing over Amon who is lying on the ground. Fire is in her hands and overall she looks powerful. Damn, she really did kick his ass.

"But when she was about to put in the final blow, his Equalists jumped in and hit her with those electric gloves." She continues. My eyes leave the first photo and my heart drops at the sight of the second one. Amon stands in the centre of the ring holding Ula up in the air by her throat. This must be what she meant yesterday when she said he showed people how weak she is. But she is wrong, she is amazingly powerful. She's the best bender I've ever met.

"Remind me never to get on her wrong side again. She looks terrifyingly strong." Mako says. I can't look at the photos anymore and decide to continue packing my things up.

"She is. Even when they electrocuted her she didn't stop trying." Asami replies.

"Can we stop talking about this?" I ask. The two look up from the newspaper.

"What? Why?" Mako asks back. I look at him feeling incredibly uncomfortable. I don't like listening to them talk about how she got hurt.

"She almost died last night, I don't really want to talk about." I say. Mako's eyebrow raises and he smirks.

"Bolin, we were just saying how amazing she was last night." Asami says.

"No, it's not that." My brother says giving Asami a look before smirking at me even more. "It's because he likes her." I turn away from them and groan as I shove my stuff away.

"Seriously? Again with that? You know it's not like that." I huff. All week he has been saying that I like her, but I don't, it's different.

"Come on, Bro. Ever since you both stopped talking you haven't shut up about her. You like her." Mako says making me glare at him.

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