Chapter 16

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The morning sun shines over the temple as I walk to the training yard. Master Tenzin had told me that the council are having a meeting this morning, so I thought I should get in a training session before hand. I need to prove to the council that I can help them defend the city against Amon. I've spent so much of my time trying to lightning bend that I've completely neglected my fire bending. I need my bending to be on top form before the meeting.

I make it to the centre of the training yard and close my eyes, letting the breeze blow through my hair. I inhale deeply and clear my head. The most important lesson my Grandfather taught me about fire bending is to always train with a calm mind. Fire can be unpredictable and fierce, to be a good fire bender you need to be able to control it no matter how unpredictable it is.

I open my eyes and raise my arms up bending fire out of my hands. I widen my stance and twist my arms in spiral motions. The fire twists in front of me matching my arm movements and slowly rises up forming a tornado of fire. I have been practicing this move for years, when I first started trying to do this I almost caused the entire Palace court yard to catch in flames. Luckily, my mother was there to put the fire out however, after years of practice and studying how air benders move, I have a lot better control.

The fire grows larger and larger, as does the funnel of the tornado. I take another deep breath whilst focusing on controlling the anger before me. Heat fills the air and I let it rage on for another moment before drawing the fire in. I grunt slightly as the tornado shrinks down. I keep my focus on it strongly until the moment the fire falls into nothing. I sigh with satisfaction and remove the small layer of sweat that has formed on my forehead.

"Wow," a voice says in amazement from behind me. I turn to see Mako walking towards me with a shocked expression. "that was amazing. How do you do that?" He asks. I watch him as he approaches me unsure what to say. If I'm honest, I'm not sure where him and I stand. He has always been a good friend to me, but everything he said, how he needed me to win, is he just here because of how bad their last match was?

"Umm, thanks. I-er-it's just, something." I say. His eyebrow raises. "Something I do...s-sometimes." I add slowly. Mako looks at me confused and I turn away wanting to ignore the awkwardness I am creating.

"I know that you and Bolin aren't really talking right now, but I could really use your help." He says. My eyes widen and I quickly turn to him.

"What's happened to Bolin? Is he okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, he just isn't talking to me at the moment." He replies slowly. I look at him for a moment before glaring.

"That's why you're here? I thought he was hurt." I sigh angrily. I turn away from him and start to walk away from him.

"He is hurt, just not physically." He says lamely. I stop walking and feel my eyes close.

"He found out Korra likes you." I say now understanding why Bolin would be ignoring him.

"You know?" He asks. I look at him to see how confused he is.

"Yeah, she isn't very subtle. Do you like how I didn't tell you and make your friendship awkward? I let you do that all by yourself." I sneer. Mako sighs and rubs the back of his neck.

"Ulazu, I'm really sorry that I said that to Bolin, I shouldn't have. Wait-is you saying that mean you like Bo-look it doesn't matter." He says quickly which only makes me grow angrier, but he talks again before I can express my anger. "He saw Korra kiss me and now he won't talk to me and I could really use your help."

My eyes widen as I stare at him in disgust.

"You kissed Korra in front of Bolin?" I gasp. He looks at me in horror.

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