Chapter 7

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I wake up to knocking on my door. I sit up and try and figure out what's happening. I sigh to myself when I realise I'm on the floor of my apartment. I guess I fell asleep here.

The knocking sounds again and I stand up. My hand drops to my side allowing flames to come to my finger tips. No one comes to my apartment, the only people it could be are Butakah or the Dragonflies. But my friends are gone and Butakah has just given me my notice. Maybe it's the Equalists? They wouldn't knock though, or maybe this is their tactic to jump me. I am taken away from my over thinking as the person on the other side starts to talk.

"Ulazu, you in there? It's me, Bolin." He calls. I sigh and allow the flame to disappear from my fingers. I walk to the door but stop as I catch my reflection. My eyes are swollen from tears and my hair is a mess. I really do look like a scared little kid. I brush my fingers through my hair before making my way to the sink and splashing water over my face. I'm not sure if it will help any, but I can try. I shake my hands out and go to the door. I open it to see Bolin and Mako standing in the hallway.

"Hey." I say, my voice cracking slightly. I didn't realise my throat was so sore. The boy's faces drop at the sight of me and I can sense them pitying me straight away. I hate it. I hate looking weak.

"Spirits, Ulazu, are you okay?" Bolin asks.

"Y-yeah, just, uh, just a long night." I say giving a small smile.

"Ulazu we're your friends, you can talk to us." Mako says. My eyes widen ever so slightly.

"We're friends?" I ask with a smile.

"Yeah, especially after you saved our asses last night. Now talk to us." Mako says. I laugh gently and open the door wider and guide them into my apartment.

"Well, if it wasn't for you I would have lost my bending. So thank you." I say turning to the fire bender.

"Don't thank me. We have each other's backs from now on." Mako says with a smile as he ruffles my hair. He then takes a hold of my arm and sits me down on the sofa. I watch Bolin as he grabs a glass from my cupboard and fills it with water. He comes over to us and hands me the water. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, uh, your voice, it sounds like you have a sore throat." He says. He runs his hand through his hair and chuckles awkwardly. I smile at him.

"Thank you." I reply and take a couple of gulps of the water. The brothers sit down opposite me and look at me intently. I sigh and look down at the floor.

"I'm just scared. That man can do scary stuff and I'm scared of it." I admit. I pause, debating whether I should tell them who I am now or not to. They're my friends, they should hear it from me.

"I'm scared of Amon too." Bolin says before I can say anything else. "When I was standing in front of him I felt powerless."

"You might be scared, but Ulazu, you are brave." Mako says.

"Yeah, you fought against a group of chi blockers, you stood up to Amon even though you had stage fright, and you went up against a group of angry Equalists so we could get away. That is like, completely and utterly badass." Bolin says quickly as he grows enthusiastic. I laugh slightly and scratch the back of my head. "If that's you when you're scared then you are crazy strong." He adds.

"Thank you, but I'm not that strong. Hopefully after more training I will be crazy strong like you say I am." I say with a smile.

"Stage fright?" Mako questions.

"Yeah, she wanted me to put up her hood and was nervous to be on stage." Bolin explains. I feel my heart start to pick up speed as Mako starts to grow suspicious.

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