Chapter 27

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I don't manage to find Tenzin at all during the day, and as night draws in again, it's time for the new Team Avatar to hit the streets and stop any Equalist we find. We all sit leaning against Asami's car as Mako, Bolin and Korra eat the food they got from the small food stand at the end of the street. If I'm honest, I'm too nervous to eat. I'm worried that being out tonight will give Tarrlok his reason to call my brother into the fight and I haven't had the chance to get Tenzin to promise his safety.

I am forced to stop stressing as the radio starts to crackle and a voice comes through.

"All available units, please respond to the 5600 block of dragon flats borough. Equalists have taken to the streets. Consider them armed and dangerous. Proceed with caution." The radio cuts out and without hesitation we all go to jump into the car.

"I call shotgun!" Bolin and I shout at the same time causing us to glare at each other. We stare at each other for a moment before we both run to the front seat. I beat Bolin to the door and go to climb in, but Bo grabs onto my waist and moves me away from the car, allowing him to jump into the seat.

"That's not fair!" I say angrily. He shrugs and shoots me a smirk.

"In the back, shorty." He says before sending me a wink. I ignore the small feeling of excitement I feel in my stomach and climb into the back seat. I watch as Mako and Korra hesitate by the car.

"After you." Mako says.

"Such a gentlemen." Korra replies awkwardly and I can't help but cringe. What the hell is going on with them? I don't get to think about it too hard before Asami is starting the car up and we go zooming towards the Equalists.


When we get close, we get hit with an eerily quiet street. Normally, there is some night life around here, it isn't supposed to be a quiet part of the city, however it is. It's quiet and dark.

"Why is the power out?" Korra asks from beside me.

"Where are the people?" I question still utterly baffled by the lack of merry drunks hanging around. Asami continues to drive until we reach a large crowd and a lot of police transport cars. What is happening? We climb out of the car and walk towards the crowd, and when I get closer I can hear the yells of anger. I listen to what they yell and I freeze when I realise what's happening. These people aren't Equalists, they're innocent non-benders protesting for equal rights. But what I can't fathom is why they haven't got equal rights to begin with.

"All non-benders, return to your homes immediately." A police officer yells through a megaphone. I quickly look around and realise that I have walked away from my friends who have stopped further back.

"Yeah, as soon as you turn our power back on." A man close to me yells in response.

"Disperse or you will all be arrested." The police officer yells. This is not what the police should be fighting for. I climb over the barrier and approach the man that just spoke, tapping him on the shoulder gently to get his attention.

"Excuse me, can you tell me what is going on?" I ask him. The man turns to me and his eyes widen as he recognises me.

"You're Princess Ulazu!" He gasps gaining the attention of the people around us.

"Yes, and I want to help, but I need to know what is happening first." I say offering him a reassuring smile.

"They've turned off our power and given us a curfew. They're threatening to arrest us if we don't comply." The man says which makes my eyes widen.

"What? Why would they do that?" I ask.

"Because we're not benders." A woman snaps beside me. "They think they can rule over us because we can't fight back." I look at each of their faces in horror. This isn't right, nothing about this is right. And I know that Tarrlok is behind this.

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