Chapter 23

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"You think Mr Sato manufactured those gloves for the Equalists, then framed Cabbage Corp?" Master Tenzin asks sceptically. We are standing outside the police station after finding Master Tenzin with Chief Beifong. I guess it's probably a good thing that they were together if what Korra is saying is true. But I still can't help but wonder if Asami knows about this. I'm not about to assume that she is involved – we aren't our parents – but it's a thought I'm not ready to dismiss fully just yet.

"That's a bold accusation. But what proof do you have?" Chief Beifong asks.

"Well, I don't exactly have proof, but I know what I heard." Korra replies lamely. Lin looks at Tenzin to see if he is buying this. He doesn't glance back at her leaving her to have to turn to me.

"Princess Ulazu, what did you hear?" She asks me. I feel the others turn and look to me and I sigh.

"Just Ulazu is fine, Chief." I remind her. "I wasn't with Korra when she heard this, but Korra has no reason to lie about something like this. And she has given you no reason to not trust her." I say. Korra gives me a thankful smile before looking back to Lin who is still doubtful.

"Sato is up to something." Korra says. Chief Beifong thinks about this for a moment and sighs ever so slightly.

"He does have the means." She says thinking out loud. She then pauses in her tracks and looks up. "And he has a motive." She adds. My eyebrows rise at what she says.

"That's right." Tenzin says as he realises what she is referring to.

"A motive? What is it?" Korra asks eagerly.

"12 years ago, the Agni Kai Triad robbed Sato's mansion. A firebender killed Sato's wife during the break-in." Tenzin explains. I feel my body grow still as he talks. I didn't know that Asami's mother was murdered. I guess that's something we have in common.

"That's terrible." Korra says quietly.

"It was tragic." He replies. I can tell that he shoots me a quick look to make sure that I'm okay, but he moves on quickly. "It's possible he's been harbouring anti-bending sentiment all this time." He continues.

"Maybe we should look at Mr Sato a little more closely." Lin says giving us a nod. They all start to head back into the station whilst I stay still for a moment. I try my hardest to ignore what happened to my father, and it's very rare that I'm reminded of it. I wipe my palms on my leggings and take a deep breath to calm myself before walking into the building after the others.


The next morning, Master Tenzin, Avatar Korra, Chief Beifong and I make our way to Asami's mansion and I feel extremely nervous to be here. I'm scared we're about to find out that Asami is involved, but I'm also scared for Asami if we find out that she isn't involved but her father is. There is no doubt in my mind that at least one of the Sato's are involved, I trust Korra completely. I'm just scared to find out how many of them are.

Lin knocks on the door and it isn't long before the butler that Bolin had been ordering around appears. His face looks startled as he takes in all of our faces, but I can tell that his shock is innocent. Lin doesn't wait for him to say anything before leading us into the building.

I keep close to Korra's side as we climb the stairs, mainly because I want to make sure she doesn't do something she shouldn't; that's all she seems to do. But also because I'm hoping that by focusing on her I can cover up how nervous I am for this endeavour. I see Asami and Mako on the stairs and I take another deep breath. Let's just hope Korra doesn't say something to upset Asami.

"What's going on? Why are they asking Hiroshi more questions?" Mako asks as he grabs Korra's arm to force her to stop and talk to them. Master Tenzin and Chief Beifong continue walking up the stairs whilst I stay with Korra.

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