Chapter 21

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Bolin's P.O.V.

It doesn't take long before Ulazu comes out of the Temple dressed up in her usual red crop top and black leggings. She walks up to me and smiles weakly, but I can tell that she isn't alright. I know Tenzin wants me to try and get her to talk, but I just want to make her happy. When she gets closer I can see that she has attempted to cover the dark circles under her eyes with make-up, but her exhaustion still comes through.

"Where do you wanna get food from?" I ask. She thinks about it for a moment and then shrugs.

"I really don't mind. Where's your favourite place to eat?" She questions as she looks up at me. I chuckle slightly.

"You wouldn't like it, it's a Water Tribe restaurant." I reply and she pulls a disgusted face.

"Of course it is." She says. We start walking towards the ferry. "If it's your favourite place, let's go." She says. My eyes widen and I look at her I'm shock.

"What? No. I'm not taking you there, you're just going to complain and be a complete buzz kill." I laugh. I can see the corners of her mouth rise up in a smile.

"I don't complain." She replies defensively.

"No, you're right. You whine." I tease making her frown, but I can still see the small smile behind it.

"No I don't! We're going to your stupid Water Tribe restaurant and I'm going to prove it." She says and walks to the ferry a bit faster than before. I laugh again and follow her. It might be a small smile, but by the end of today she's going to have a genuine smile. Mark my words.


We reach the restaurant and I open the door for Ulazu who walks in. I can tell by her expression that she doesn't want to be here, and if I'm honest I'm surprised she hasn't asked to go somewhere else.

"You know, it's not too late to go somewhere else." I say shooting her a smirk. Her eyes narrow on me.

"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you." She replies and walks towards the table where a waiter stands. He looks up and when he sees us his eyes widen.

"Can we get a table for two?" I ask as I join Ula's side.

"Princess Ulazu, it's an honour. Please, this way." The waiter says as he guides us to a booth. She sends me a look before following the man and straight away I know it's because of the title he used. I seriously don't get why she hates that she is the princess of the fire nation. I mean, who wouldn't want to be her?

We sit down at the booth and the man smiles at us, a wider smile than he would usually use for me.

"What can I get for you?" He asks. Ulazu looks at me with an unsure gaze and so I answer for her.

"We'll both have the noodles." I say. The waiter nods and looks at Ula again before walking away. "I promise you that you're going to love these noodles."  She gives me a doubtful look, but she stays silent and I know it's only because she is trying to prove that she doesn't complain.

"I heard that Korra offered to let you and Mako stay at Air Temple Island now that the arena is being shut down." She says. I nod in response and smile. 

"Yeah, she did. But, Asami actually offered to let us stay with her." I reply. Ulazu's eyes widen. 

"So, you're going to be third wheeling?" She smirks at me. 

"Maybe I will be, but who cares? Have you seen her mansion? It's huge, and she's got butlers and maids, you have to see it." I say enthusiastically. 

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