Chapter 13

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I run to the training centre as fast as I can. I'd been too busy attempting to lightning bend at Air Temple Island that I completely forgot what time it is, not that it was worth being late over, I still can't do it. The Fire Ferrets are about to go out any minute for their first match, I can't miss it.

I sprint up the flights of stairs and throw myself into the locker room. The door slams open and I sigh with relief at the sight of the three fire ferrets looking at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, good. I made it." I say as I catch my breath. I walk into the room taking in the three smiles on me.

"We're about to go on. I tried to find you before I left but I couldn't see you anywhere. Where were you?" Korra says.

"Trying and failing at lightning bending." I reply. I notice her eyebrow raise and I internally scold myself as I realise I didn't answer her question. "On Air Temple Island. I was—I was trying to lightning bend on Air Temple Island." I say with a sigh. I notice Bolin smile, but I'm not sure why.

"I thought I was helping you with that?" Mako says. I look at him with wide eyes. I haven't upset him have I?

"Well, no-yeah, you are helping. I-I just thought I could, you know-" I take a deep breath and look at them. "There are too many questions happening, especially after I've ran all the way here." I hear Bolin laugh and so my eyes cling to him. He walks over to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"You made it, that's all that matters. And you're wearing your team top." He says.

"Of course I am." I say with a smile as I look at him. He looks back at me with a matching smile, but I notice he soon looks to Mako behind me. As soon as he does, he removes his arm from me and takes a big step away. I raise an eyebrow at the brothers sharing a look before turning back to me. Okay, that was weird. "Well." I say drawing it out. "I should probably go and find a seat." I back up to the doorway keeping my gaze on Bolin for a moment, trying to figure him out.

"Asami is watching, I'm sure she would love the company." Mako says. I look at them all a final time before giving them a smile.

"Okay, well, good luck guys. You've got this!" I tell them. I then leave quickly wanting to get out of the situation as soon as possible. Why was it so weird in there?

I walk towards the stands and see Asami standing by the double doors. She looks around frantically.

"Hey, Asami." I call out as I approach her. Her once stressed face lights up at the sight of me.

"Ulazu! I was beginning to think you weren't coming." She says. "Come on, I've got us tickets to the best seats." She links her arm in mine and guides me to the stands. I am immediately met with the cheers of the crowd around us, and straight away I feel happy. I love the excitement and anticipation before a match.

We take our seats in time to hear the commentator start to talk loudly through the speakers around the arena.

"Tonight is the first set of matches in our single elimination 16-team bracket. And I gotta tell ya, these are the most tenacious and talented bending trios this area a has ever seen." He says as I sit forward on the edge of my seat.

"Introducing our first team, the Future Industries Fire Ferrets!" I stand up and start cheering as loud as I can. The three of them look around the arena waving at the fans cheering. I feel Asami standing next to me and clapping as I cheer. She smiles widely to me before looking down at her boyfriend.

"Would you believe it, folks. Princess Ulazu is in the crowds cheering for the very team that cost her from playing today. What sportsmanship from the Fire Princess." The commentator yells through the speaker. My smile drops from my face as the crowd cheers louder. Why am I being mentioned? I'm not playing, I'm just here to watch, why do people need to know that I'm here? My head drops to my friends again and I realise Bolin is look up at me with a wide smile. As I look at him, I can't help but remember what Tahno said, what makes you so sure that they're not using you. I shake my head almost immediately and sit in my seat again hoping that people would stop looking my direction.

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