Chapter 26

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I walk down the steps towards the docks on Air Temple Island quickly ready to meet the official new Team Avatar. I see them all standing there waiting for me, and so I run to them.

"Sorry, I'm here." I say as I reach them. I didn't mean to be late, I just needed to meditate before going off to fight crime. I am trying to feel better in myself and the one thing that's forcing me to do that is Bolin. I know that he's been worried about me recently even if he has chosen not to say so. I can tell by the constant looks he gives me and the amount of time he just sits with me so I'm not alone. So, I'm trying to improve myself so he doesn't feel the need to worry.

"Get ready, Republic City. You are about to be patrolled by Team Avatar." Bolin says. Asami walks towards the group and the first thing I take notice of is the Equalist glove on her hand. I hate those things, I truly hate them.

"Asami, you always know how to accessorise your outfits." Mako says sounding impressed.

"I figure one way to fight Equalists is to use an Equalist's weapon." She says as she raises her hand. I watch her closely and all of a sudden a charge of electricity comes crackling out of her fingertips making me visibly flinch. "Oh, I'm sorry, Ulazu. I didn't mean to scare you." Asami apologises quickly and for a moment I'm confused to why. But it's when I realise that I've gripped onto Bolin's hand and backed away from her that I understand why she would say it. I quickly take my hand from Bo's and clear my throat.

"What do you mean? I'm fine." I say praying that they can't hear how rapidly my heart is beating.

"All right. Let's ride." Korra says taking the attention away from me. She wraps an arm over my shoulder and guides me to Naga who waits for us patiently. I jump on behind Korra and wait for the others to climb on, with Bolin jumping on last.

"Naga, away!" He yells enthusiastically as he gets on. But as soon as all of our weight is on her, she groans and forces us all off. I groan slightly as I feel Asami, Mako and Bolin's weight on top of me. I can't begin to think how Korra is coping at the bottom of the pile.

"Who knew you tall people weighed so much." I groan as they slowly pick themselves up. Mako grabs my hand and helps me stand up and I dust myself off before thanking him.

"All right, scratch that. Any other ideas?" Korra says rubbing her head.

"I think I have the answer." Asami says with a small smile as she leads us to a garage. I stand between Mako and Bolin as we wait for Asami, and it isn't long before I hear the roar of an engine. She drives a Sato-Mobile over to us and I feel my eyes widen.

"You think this'll do?" She asks. I scoff in amazement as I feel a smile spread onto my face.

"You're kidding, right?" I say unable to remove my smile. This is so much better than riding Naga, no offence to her. We run to the car and climb in. Mako takes the front, leaving me to sit in between Korra and Bolin in the back.

"I like the new Team Avatar's style." Mako says. With that being said Asami starts the car up and races to Republic City to start our patrol.


We have been driving around for a while now and I can honestly say that I'm bored. I want to do something, not just sit in a car hoping to drive up to some criminals. Korra sits next to me looking around closely and Bolin sits on the other side with his arm stretched across the back seat and his gaze on the street. My head is leant back against Bo's arm and I let a small ember of fire dance from one finger to another out of boredom. Why are we doing this again?

The sound of the radio coming on forces me to lift my head up and let the fire disappear. But when I realise that it is nothing interesting I lower my head again onto Bo's arm and sigh.

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