Chapter 30

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Bolin's P.O.V.

I stand by Asami as we wait for the others to come back. They had left to find Korra leaving us with two Equalists to watch over. I don't like that I'm stuck here, it doesn't feel right that we're here. But maybe that's because Ulazu isn't here. Where is she?

I begin to pace in front of the Equalists unable to ignore my thoughts about Ula. I can't help but feel sick with nerves for her. Asami walks towards me and places a hand on my arm to stop me from pacing. I look up at her and she gives me a small smile.

"Ulazu is going to be okay." She says. How did she know I was worried about her?

"I know, she's amazing and an incredibly powerful bender. But I can't help but worry that Amon's going to take her bending, or worse." I say quickly. My eyes widen at what I say. What if Amon kills her? Spirits, we have to find her.

"We're going to find her and Korra before anything bad happens. Try not to worry about her too much." Asami says.

"How can I not worry? I know she can take care of herself, but what if something happens? She can't take on Amon and his Equalists by herself without getting hurt, and we have no idea where she is. So, how are we supposed to help her before it's too late? I can't lose her, I-" I stop the words firing out of my mouth and sigh. My emotions are overwhelming me, I just don't understand why.

"You like her, Bolin. Those kind of emotions make you worry more than you need to, but you don't need to. She's part of Team Avatar, we're not going to let anything bad happen." Asami says giving me a smile. My lips part at what she says and I stare. Do I like Ula? Have I really liked her all this time?

Before I can reply a siren starts blaring causing me and Asami to gasp. This can't be good. The three quickly return to us with Lin's metal benders close behind them and we all jump onto the tram again. Korra isn't with them. Does that mean she's not here?

I sit next to Mako with my knee bouncing up and down. I turn to him trying to swallow my fear.

"Are they not here?" I ask. He doesn't turn to me.

"No, Korra wasn't there." He says.

"What about Ulazu?" I ask. He shakes his head. I know that we came here to also rescue Lin's metalbenders, but I can't help but feel like we should've figured out where Ulazu and Korra are. Ula must have figured it out where Korra is, if anyone was going to it's her.

I am forced out of my thoughts as Mako slaps my arm causing me to turn around in my seat and see a tram full of Equalists following us. This isn't good. I stand up from my seat and raise my arms, bending the sides of the tunnel onto the tracks behind us.

"Try to chi-block that, fools!" I yell out. I look to Mako who smiles proudly at me.

"We got more company." Lin calls from the front of the tram. My eyes snap away from my brother and turn to the front to see a blockade of Equalists at the end of the tunnel. "Hang on." Lin yells. I grab onto the side of the tram tightly as she starts to metal bend and it isn't long before the tram is being launched up into the rock above us.

I grunt as the tram crashes down into the first tunnel we entered. We all get back to our feet groaning slightly as we run out of the tunnel. When we are far enough away we stop, all panting as we regroup.

"If Korra wasn't here, where can she be?" Asami asks.

"Tarrlok has been lying this whole time. Amon never kidnapped Korra, it was him all along." Mako says which makes my eyes widen. Why would Tarrlok kidnap Korra? It doesn't make sense.

"I fear that Ulazu might still be under the impression  that it was Amon who took Korra." Tenzin says grimly.

"But she wasn't down there, where else would she go looking for Amon?" Lin asks.

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