Chapter 35

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The next morning we all woke up early silently recognising that whatever happens today won't be easy. I'm nervous for today, not just because of the risks we are going to be facing, but because I'm going to be going against my brother's wishes. I know that he doesn't want me joining Korra and Mako against Amon, but I have to. If something were to happen to her when I could have helped I would be so angry at myself. I just hope that he understands that this is something I have to do.

I slip into one of the Equalist uniforms and sigh to myself as I attempt to build up the courage to join my friends. I look over to them to see Mako and Bo hugging each other tightly as the others stand by them. I guess if I want to go with Avatar Korra then now is the time to go.

I make my way to the group holding a confident expression on my face. Korra notices my approach first and I can see a faint smile hit her lips as she sees my attire. Iroh notices her gaze leave the brothers and he turns to look at me. I take a deep breath as he walks towards me and I prepare myself for the argument that's about to happen.

"Iroh, I know what you said, but this is something that-" I start but he cuts me off.

"That you have to do. I understand." He says which shocks me immensely. I stare at him with wide eyes in a state of utter confusion. Why is he letting me go with Korra? I honestly thought that he would have tried to force me to stay here whilst they all go off to fight the two battles.

"You're really okay with me going?" I ask still in shock. He sighs and gives me a small smile.

"No, of course I'm not okay. But I know how important this is to you." He says. I am still confused about the change of heart, but I can't think about it for long before he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Thank you." I whisper into the embrace. He squeezes me tightly once more before pulling back to smile at me.

"I love you, Ula." He says making me smile.

"I love you too." I reply. He backs away from me and I notice the others watching us, but my eyes only seem to focus on Bo. I walk towards him and as soon as I reach him I wrap my arms around him and pull him into the hug. He doesn't hesitate before holding me tightly. This hug feels different to all of our other hugs, this one seems more intimate and intense and I don't know why. My head is buried into the crook of his neck allowing me to take in his sweet scent. I've never felt more safe before than I do right now in Bolin's arms. It really makes it hard to leave him.

I draw back and look up at him and he is already gazing back. I'm normally really good at reading people's emotions, but the emotion etched into Bo's expression seems completely foreign to me. No one has looked at me like this before.

"Be careful." He says after we have stared at one another for a moment or so in silence.

"I always am." I reply, but he frowns.

"No, please just-" He sighs as he takes a moment to figure out what he is wanting to say. "Make sure you come back." He says. My face softens as I look at Bo. I know that I have had some close calls after facing Amon in the past, but I didn't realise how scared Bolin had become that I might not make it.

"Bo, I promise that I'm going to come back to you." I whisper, unable to make my voice any louder from the amount of emotion flooding through me. He wraps his arms around me again and we share another intense hug before he draws back. We continue looking at one another for a moment longer before I force myself to look away and approach Asami. I'm scared that if I look at him a for a second longer then I'll want to stay with him and my brother. But what terrifies me even more is that Bolin is making me feel these new things that I just don't understand.

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