Chapter 38

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We have been sitting in the waiting room for a while now and we are yet to hear anything about Korra. I'm starting to grow worried that I've brought everyone all the way to the South Pole for nothing and I know that Bolin can sense my doubt, but he doesn't say a word about it.

My eyelids have become heavy over time, however they shoot open when I hear the door open revealing Katara. I jump to my feet along with everyone else as she walks towards us. I try to remain hopeful, but the expression resting on the waterbender's face makes it hard.

"I've tried everything in my power, but I cannot restore Korra's bending." She says with a sad look. My eyes fall to the floor and I can't help but sigh.

"But you're the best healer in the world. You have to keep trying." Lin says to Katara.

"I'm sorry. There's nothing else I can do." She replies. I sense someone walking to me and so I bring my gaze up to see Mako staring at me.

"I thought you knew how to get her bending back? You said you knew how he took her bending." He says angrily which makes my features soften slightly. I really didn't mean to build up too much hope in others.

"I am almost certain that Princess Ulazu is right about what happened. Which means we need to let Korra find her own way." Katara says as she shoots me a smile. However, it's one I'm unable to return. I can't help but feel awful about the entire thing.

Korra comes out and looks at us sadly which makes me feel even more guilty than before. I shouldn't have made it out as if Katara could one hundred percent fix Korra. All I had was a theory, and I made everyone believe that she would get her bending back.

"It's going to be alright, Korra." Tenzin says as he holds a sleeping Meelo in his arms.

"No, it's not." She says. I watch her as she walks past us all and grabs her thick coat. She doesn't give us a second look before she walks out of the hut. We all stay silent unsure about what to say, but it isn't long before Mako runs out after her. My eyes dart to Asami who purses her lips at her boyfriend's actions, but she doesn't say a word.

"Princess Ulazu." Katara's voice brings me from my thoughts and makes me face her. "I think you knew I couldn't help her." She says. I can feel everyone's gaze on me, but I keep my own on the older woman before me.

"I thought that being around you might trigger her connection with Avatar Aang's spirit." I reply honestly. Her eyes widen at the mention of her decreased husband and I can tell that Master Tenzin's eyes have widen too.

"How can my father help her?" Tenzin asks. I stay silent feeling an enormous amount of pressure on me. I soon feel a hand rest on my back and I look up to see Bolin smiling at me in encouragement. I take a deep breath and turn to Tenzin again. But before I can say anything, Katara speaks for me.

"He can help guide her to opening her chakra's once again." Katara says. I move away from Bolin's touch and towards Katara slightly.

"Can I get you some tea or something? You were in there with Korra for a while." I say worried that my theory had caused Katara to become tired. She smiles at me.

"Do you make tea like Zuko, or like his Uncle Iroh?" Katara asks. I chuckle gently. I had heard about my great uncle Iroh's tea, he was famous for it.

"You can tell me." I reply.

"You can use the teapot in our house." Korra's mother says from the back of the room. I smile and bow slightly to her in gratitude.

"Thank you." I say. I walk over towards the chair with my blankets on and wrap them around my small figure. After I am wrapped up I make my way out of the healing hut and towards Korra's home. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't freezing out here, but I needed to just get away from everyone and I also feel that Katara needs something after attempting to heal Korra. This tea trip is really just killing two birds with one stone.

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