Chapter 14

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Bolin's P.O.V

Korra sits opposite me in the booth of my favourite Water Tribe food restaurant slurping on noodles. After Ulazu left and we explained what happened to a very confused Korra, I decided going here would not only cheer me up, but hopefully remind Korra of back home. This is another reason why I know Korra should be my girlfriend and not Ulazu. Korra loves water tribe food just like me, Ulazu doesn't.

"So, how do you like it?" I ask Korra who slurps up some more noodles before looking at me with a big smile.

"Mmm, it's delicious and totally authentic." She says before leaning on the table slightly. "Man, I didn't realise how much I missed water tribe grub." She adds.

"That's great, because this is my favourite joint. See you love water tribe food, I love water tribe food. Just another reason we are so great together." I say smiling as she eats more. She grins at me making me smile more.

"They are good noodles." She says. Her smile then drops as she looks behind me. "Hey, who's that creepy guy over there that keeps leering at us?" She asks. I raise an eyebrow at her and turn my head in the direction she's looking. Across the restaurant, Tahno and the Wolf-Bats sit in a booth staring at us with girls around their arms giggling. I quickly turn away from them and back to Korra.

"That's Tahno and the Wold-Bats, the reigning champs three years running." I sigh. Korra's eyebrow twitches slightly as she looks at me.

"That's the guy that said something to upset Ulazu?" Korra questions.

"Yeah, that's the guy." I say sadly. I didn't want to think about Ulazu during our date. I want to have fun with Korra, not feel bad about how things were left between me and Ula. I notice Korra look over at Tahno again and my eyes widen. "Do not make eye contact!" I stress. Korra pouts and continues to glare angrily at Tahno. I'm not sure why she's so angry, it can't be over Ulazu surely. They're not exactly the best of friends.

I look back over my shoulder to see them standing up from their table and walking over towards us. Seriously, Korra? Why did she have to stare back at them?

"Uh oh. Here he comes." I say before turning back to her. "Now don't mess with this guy. He's a nasty dude." She looks at me.

"Don't mess with the guy? Don't you want him to pay after he made Ulazu almost cry?" She asks angrily. I hesitate a moment.

"Well, I think she might have also been upset about her and I falling out." I say. She shakes her head.

"No, Mako said she was angry at you and upset after Tahno was mentioned." She argues. I go to respond, but stop as I feel the presence of the Wolf-Bats behind me. I gasp and start eating my noodles again.

"Well, well, well." Tahno says as he reaches the table. "If it isn't the Fire Ferrets, pro bending's saddest excuse for a team. Tell me, how did a couple of amateurs like you luck your way into the tournament?" He leans closer to us. "Especially, you, uh-vatar." Korra scoffs and let's her glare grow even more intense.

"You know, if you'd like to learn how a real pro bends, I could give you some private lessons." He continues as he gets closer to Korra. I watch quietly as Korra gets out of her chair.

"You want to go toe-to-toe with me, pretty boy?" She hisses at him. Tahno's smile widens slightly.

"Go for it. I'll give you the first shot." He smirks. I lean towards the two.

"Korra, don't. He's just trying to bait you. If you hit him, we're out of the tournament." I whisper. Korra glares at him again before sitting down. I sigh in relief and give her a small and thankful smile. Korra then brings her fingers to her lips and whistles, and in no time Naga shoves her head through the window, scaring Tahno and his team as she growls. Tahno falls back slightly, but doesn't take long to recover. He glares at the polar bear dog for a moment before turning to us.

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