Chapter 17

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It has been a couple of days since my first meeting with the council. We had spoken about ways to grab Amon's attention and make a statement against him. Of course, no one really had any ideas about how to do this. Amon is a crazed psychopath, we want to do something that won't egg him on to attack the city.

The Fire Ferrets had their semi-final match and surprisingly won. This whole kiss thing between Korra and Mako has really ruined their team dynamic, through the whole game they were playing awfully. If it wasn't for Korra they would be out of the tournament, but she managed to get a hatrick meaning that they are facing the Wolf-Bats in the finals tonight. I'm worried for them if I'm honest. Their recent performances don't really suggest that they're going to win the match.

I walk through the grounds with Pema by my side as we head towards the garden to pick vegetables for today's meals. This is a task I would usually do with her and it's nice to get away from all of the seriousness, even if it is just for a couple of minutes. It doesn't take us long before we are heading back into the building. I immediately see Tenzin surrounded by his kids who are extremely excitable for this early in the morning.

"Can we train? Please can we train? I want go train. Can we train with Korra?" Ikki says quickly as she jumps up and down.

"Not this morning, she's busy." Tenzin replies.

"I don't need to train, I'm already a master!" Meelo yells as he shoots a gust of air at his sister. However, he misses and hits the wall causing picture frames to fall to the ground. "Whoops." he says before running off, Ikki close on his trail.

"Sometimes I wish I just had one child that's a non-bender. Just one." Pema says with a sigh. I smile to her and put the vegetables I am carrying down on the table before hanging the pictures back onto the wall for her. "Thank you." She smiles to me.

"Ulazu." Tenzin says gaining my attention. "There is a meeting this morning to discuss a plan against Amon." I nod and watch as he crosses the room to embrace Pema in a right hug before kissing her gently on her forehead. "We shouldn't be too long." He tells her.

"Sure, rile up the kids and then leave me to deal with them." She teases before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and taking the vegetables to the kitchen. Tenzin watches her leave before he starts towards the front door. Where is he going? He stops walking and turns to look at me.

"Aren't you coming?" He asks with a raised brow. My eyes widen as I stare at him.

"Oh, the meeting is now. Right." I mutter as I run after him. I can't tell if he laughs at me, but I don't really mind. I'm too focused on thinking of an idea to help take down Amon.


Tenzin and I walk into the large meeting room to see the council members talking to one another loudly; their panicked tones filling my ears. What's going on? Tarrlok notices us walk in, as do the rest and they all look our way.

"Did you hear the broadcast?" Tarrlok asks. I share a confused look with Tenzin before we walk to our allocated seats.

"No, we just came from the Temple, what's going on?" Tenzin replies for us.

"Amon has threatened the city. He is going to do something unless we cancel the pro bending match tonight." Tarrlok explains. I stare at him in disbelief of what he is saying.

"Tonight is the finals, benders and non-benders have waited months on end for tonight. We can not cancel this last minute." I say.

"We can't risk the city's safety over a stupid game." Tarrlok spits back.

"We know it's last minute, but our focus must be on protecting people." Tenzin says backing Tarrlok's point.

"I'm glad we are in agreement." Tarrlok says. I go to say something but the door slams open forcing us all to look at Korra, Bolin and Mako who walk into the room. Tenzin stands up angrily and looks to them.

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