Chapter 19

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Amon is here and without Lin and the metal benders, I'm all everyone has left. My heart picks up speed as I watch the horror before me. The only thing I'm thankful for is that the Equalists don't seem to be targeting the spectators; as far as I can see they're all safe.

My eyes fall to the ring. Amon and a group of Equalists enter the ring and fight against the Wolf-Bats. Oh, crap. Amon dodges every shot made, and soon the benders find themselves tied up and held before Amon. I can't let this happen, even if they are all jackasses. I use my firebending to propel me into the air. I fly over the water and land onto the ring.

"Get away from them!" I yell. Amon turns around and I swear I hear him laugh. He walks towards me and I feel my nerves fill me once again, but I bury them deep knowing that there is no place for them here.

"Princess Ulazu. What an honour it is to see you again." He sneers. He stops a couple of feet away from me.

"Let them go. I won't ask again." I snap.

"You really want to defend these cheaters? They abused their bending to win a stupid game." Amon says back.

"And they will be punished in the correct way. I am not going to let you take their bending." I reply with confidence. I can tell he is smirking underneath his mask.

"Oh, I'd like to see you stop me." He says. I take a deep breath before shooting a series of fireballs at him, all of which he dodges. I know how Amon moves, I saw it when the Equalists kidnapped me and Bolin. I know that with each attack he will get closer to me so that he can take my bending, and I am right. Each punch I throw he gets closer and closer, until he is close enough for me to wrap fire around his body. I widen my stance as I start to make spiral motions with my hands, trapping Amon in a small vortex of fire. I hear his grunts of pain over the gasps in the crowd, but I ignore it all.

I release my hold on the fire and let it drop before running into it and shoving my foot into his chest. He stumbles back and I kick fire at him that lands in his stomach. He groans as he straightens his body up again, but before he can fully I raise both of my hands and shoot fire at him, forcing him to the ground.

I feel sweat cover my forehead and I go for the final blow, but electricity fills me making me stop. I scream and fall to the ground. I blink a couple of times and see Amon get back to his feet with Equalists at his side. Stupid Equalists. I would have beaten him if it wasn't for them.

Hands wrap around my arms and lift my body up slightly. Amon storms over to me, and I expect him to take my bending, but he doesn't. He raises his fist and punches me in the face. My head flops to the side from the blow as pain fills my nose. It isn't long before I feel my upper lip grow moist and I know it's because he has broken my nose.

The Equalists drop me to the floor and follow Amon to The Wolf-Bats. They bring Tahno onto his knees and Amon places his thumb to the benders' forehead.

"No." I grunt. I pick my body off the ground and shoot fire at Amon. He moves out the way just in time, but I realise that it's too late. Tahno falls to the ground and I can tell by his vacant expression that he just lost his bending. I feel another wave of electricity fill me and I scream out again before collapsing to the ground. I'm not sure how much electricity one can take in such a short period of time, but I know by the black specs in my vision that I'm close to passing out.

The Equalists shove Ming in front of Amon and once again I pick myself off the ground and shoot fire at him. I have to try. They all seem to ignore my weak attempts, but I grow angrier as I watch Ming's body slump to the ground as his bending is taken away.

I make it onto my feet as they force Shaozu before Amon. Blood starts to fill my mouth as I launch another fire ball at Amon. He dodges it swiftly and glares at me. I prepare myself for another fight against the masked-man, but instead of a fight I feel yet another wave of electricity fill me and I drop. My body slams against the ground as I scream out in pain. My vision is practically darkness, but I can still see Shaozu's body on the floor after his bending is taken away. I failed. I have failed.

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