Chapter 8

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Bolin walks into the large building still holding my hand. I can feel myself shake with nerves as we pass the large amount of nicely dressed people. The further into the gala we go, the more I regret ever saying yes.

"Bo." I say quietly as I cling onto him. "I don't think I can do this. I'm not ready." I mutter to him as I turn my head away from the guests. I don't want them to see me. I'm not ready for them to see me. I feel my breathing grow heavier from panic.

"Hey." He says as he stops walking and turns to me. "I'm here. I promise that whilst I'm here no one will hurt you." He smiles at me in a comforting way, but I can't muster up a smile of my own. I don't want to be here. I really, really do not want to be here. "Look there's Mako and Asami." He says guiding me further into the grand hall. I take a deep breath as I pass more and more people, trying to ignore their eyes on me.

"You made it!" Mako smiles as we reach them. Next to him stands a tall dark haired girl, who is extremely pretty. Her hand is wrapped around Mako's arm and I can't help but smile at the sight of it.

"Y-yeah. I'm here." I chuckle nervously as I keep my head down.

"I recognise you." Asami says with a raised brow. My entire body freezes and I think Bolin notices. He squeezes my hand and gives me a reassuring look before turning back to the couple.

"Asami, this is Ulazu, she is a pro bender from The Dragonflies. Ulazu, this is Asami. Hiroshi Sato's daughter." Bolin introduces. My eyes widen and I take a slight step back.

"Hiroshi Sato?" I mumble. He's the man who invented the Sato mobiles. He's probably one of the most well known men in the city.

"Yeah, he's over there if you'd like to meet him." Asami says with a sweet smile.

"No!" I blurt out causing them to look at me with strange expressions. "No, it's okay, I wouldn't want to bother him." I say slightly slower.

"You know, you remind me of the fire nation Princess." Asami says. I freeze once again.

"Uh-" I start but am forced to stop when someone calls my name. I spin around to see Tenzin glaring at me. Uh oh.

"You know Master Tenzin?" Mako asks. I chuckle nervously and rub the back of my neck.

"Y-yeah. Heh heh, yeah, you could say that. I'll be right back." I say awkwardly before quickly walking over to the air bender. He huffs as I approach.

"Ulazu, what are you doing here?" He questions. I look at him and groan.

"Look, I didn't want to be here, my friend Bolin dragged me here." I explain to him. His face drops from anger to surprise.

"You're also friends with Bolin?" He asks. "Did you know about his interaction with the Equalists?"

"Yeah, I was there and helped them out." I say. Tenzin freezes at what I say. He goes to say something but is stopped as Korra appears.

"What are you doing here?" She growls at me. My eyes widen at her hostility and I frown.

"Bolin invited me. I'm sorry to intrude-" I say but get cut off by Tenzin.

"Ulazu was the bender who helped you escape?" He almost screeches. "You let her face a large group of Equalists alone? Do either of you know how irresponsible that was?" Tenzin grows angry as his gaze flickers between the two of us. Oh geez, here comes the lecture.

"What's the big deal? She's fine." Korra groans before looking at me again. "How did you get away? Did they just let you leave?" She asks me.

"What?" I respond. What is she insinuating?

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