Chapter 2

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I make my way back to my apartment above the training centre slowly due to the pain from the match. Korra did an excellent job in healing me, but I still ache like crazy. I walk through my front door and sigh as I look around. The place is a mess after my usual morning rush to training. I walk into the apartment and start picking things up off the floor, groaning to myself when I reach too far down. I hear a knock on the door and I turn, only to realise that I had left it open. Butakah, the owner of the training centre, and the man who rents my apartment to me stands in the door way with a sad look on his face. He is genuinely a grumpy man, but for some reason he shows me kindness.

"Hey, Kid. I got some tough news." He says gently. I sigh and put the clothes that I'm holding on the table next to me.

"I know I lost, but-" I start.

"You know the rules. You can rent the place out if you're still in the tournament." He says sadly.

"I know, I know. But can I stay until I find a new place, please?" I ask. It's hard to find a place that will let me stay given my age.

"How are you going to pay rent, kid? Without the money from winning each round of the tournament you've got nothing." He replies.

"I-I'll get a job at a tea shop, or, or anywhere that will take me." I say looking at him hopefully. "Please, I promise that I'll be out as soon as I find a new place." He hesitates for a moment before sighing heavily.

"Look, the most I can give you is until the end of the month seeing as it's all been paid for already. I'm really sorry." He says. He looks at me for a moment longer before turning away and leaving.

"Thank you." I call after him. I watch him leave before sinking to the couch. I sigh as I hold my head with my hands staring at the floor. What the hell am I going to do? I stay like this for a moment until I hear someone clear their throat. I look up instantly to see the earthbender from the Fire Ferrets standing awkwardly at the open door. I stand up quickly which makes my head go fuzzy slightly as I look at him with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here? How'd you even know I live here?" I ask in a rushed manner.

"Sorry, me and Mako live just down the hall and I thought I heard you, so I wanted to make sure you're okay." He chuckles nervously as he rubs the back of his neck. I smile at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You can come in if you'd like, I apologise for the mess." I say as I quickly scoop things up and put them away. He walks in and shuts the door behind him.

"Please, if you think this is a mess you should come by our place." He laughs. I laugh too before walking towards him slightly.

"I'm Ulazu. We haven't really done the whole introduction things yet." I say offering him my hand. He takes it and shakes it.

"I'm Bolin. I know who you are, I was kind of nervous to play against you if I'm honest." He says. I take my hand back and sit on the couch and he soon joins me. I put my feet up and turn to face him.

"Nervous to go against me? Please, I was banking on Hasook to knock you and himself out like he usually does. But you had to go and replace him with the avatar." I say rolling my eyes at him playfully.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, Hasook walked out on us. He was a no show, we were lucky Korra wanted to join." He replies. It was clear by the way Hasook played that he stopped caring about pro bending, but I always thought he would be kicked out rather than up and leave.

"I'm glad you got to play. I learnt a lot from our match." I say standing up and walking towards the kitchen. "You want a drink?" I ask. Bolin nods and stands up also, walking behind me slowly.

"You learnt from our match?" He asks. I pour out some water into two glasses and pass him one. I look at him and shrug.

"Yeah, I learnt I need to be adaptable to change if I want to win. I watch how my opponents play and create a plan to win on their weaknesses. I didn't even think about how to play if there is a last minute change." I explain as I take a sip from my cup.

"Wow, you put a lot of thought into it. I kinda usually wing it." Bolin says.

"I always over think and become sloppy without a plan." I say.

"Maybe planning would help me be a better pro bender. You'll have to show me how you read other players." He says. I smile at him.

"Sure, as long as you teach me how to wing it." I reply. He smiles back, but his smile soon fades.

"So, I didn't mean to over hear your conversation earlier. Do you know what you're going to do?" He asks. I feel my own smile drop as well as I sit down again.

"Get a job, find a new place. Otherwise I guess I have to go back home." I say. I love being home with my mother, it would be best for the nation if I went home. But I love being here where no one knows who I am, where I can be a pro bender and learn what it's like to live a normal life. Where I can understand the mundane difficulties people face. I'm not ready to go home yet.

"Where are you from?" Bolin asks sitting next to me.

"The fire nation, capital island." I respond.

"Wait, really?!" He asks with wide eyes. "Have you ever seen Lord Zuko?" I laugh, a genuine laugh at his enthusiasm.

"Are you a Lord Zuko Fan?" I chuckle.

"Not just Lord Zuko, the whole team Avatar. Katara has got insane water bending skills, a-and Toph invented metal bending. Like, that's is amazingly cool. Sokka and his boomerang, and of course, Avatar Aang. But Zuko has this whole character redemption arc which just makes you respect him so much more." He explains to me with large hand gestures. He smiles at me after he explains and I can't help but grin back. I've never met someone so enthusiastic before.

"Yeah, I can say I've seen Lord Zuko a couple of times." I reply.

"Really? You have to tell me what he is like-" he starts, but gets cut off by the faint yelling through the door.

"Bolin, where are you?" A voice yells. Bolin sighs and gives me a sad smile.

"I should go back before Mako thinks I've run off. We'll be training tomorrow morning, if you wanted to drop by that is." He says. I smile back.

"Thanks, I'll think about it." I respond. He hands his glass back to me before walking to the door and leaving my apartment. I stay in my seat for a moment staring at the door. I never expected myself to form many friendships here. I've spent my entire time in Republic City sort of isolated, mainly because I'm scared of people knowing who I am. However, I can tell straight away that Bolin is going to mean so much to me.

With a smile on my face, I tidy my apartment before heading to bed. My body aches as I climb in, but I don't mind. I should feel bummed today after losing the qualifying match, but I don't. I feel happy that I've learnt how to perform better, and I feel happy that I've met Bolin.

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