Chapter 31

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My eyes flicker open and the first thing I feel is the cold. I look around to see that I'm back in my room at the Air Temple. How did I get here? Did Korra come back to save me? I feel my thoughts freeze in fear. Did Korra escape?

I try to sit up, but pain fills me causing me to groan to myself. My head turns to my arm to see it resting in a sling. I scoff and rip it off as I sit up properly ignoring the pain. Amon might have broken my arm, but it's healed now. Keeping it in a sling won't help anything.

I stand up and leave my room fighting the pain. I stop in the corridor and listen, praying to hear Korra's voice.

"Princess Ulazu, you should be resting." I hear behind me. I turn quickly, too quickly, and bite my lip to cover my pain. A woman in the White Lotus uniform looks at me sternly and I sigh ready to argue against her, but am stopped by another voice filling my ears.

"Ula?" A familiar voice yells. I turn towards it and realise that it came from the dining room, so I head towards the sound. It isn't long before Bolin rushes into view and sighs with relief. "Thank the Spirits you're okay." He says as he runs to me and embraces me in a tight hug. Yet I can tell that he is careful to avoid the arm that I hurt.

"I'm fine, but where's Korra? Did Amon get to her? I did everything I could to stop him from getting to her, oh Spirits, if he has her. We have to find her, Bo." I say quickly. He pulls back from the hug and looks into my eyes, keeping his hands on my shoulders.

"She's fine, she's here and safe. We're all more worried about you." He replies making me take a breath. She's okay. She got away.

"Thank the Spirits." I breathe. I look up at him to see that he's still looking at me intently, so I wrap my good arm around him and pull him into another hug. "Bo, I'm okay." I say to reassure him. He sighs and hugs me tightly again as if he were scared to let go of me, but eventually he does draw back and guides me into the room where all of my friends are.

I follow him feeling cold now that I'm away from his embrace. I'm not sure why I'm so cold, it must have something to do with passing out in the snow.

"Ulazu!" Korra says. My eyes turn to her and relief completely consumes me as I see her completely healed and well. She stands up from where she was sitting and runs to me. She hugs me tightly and I feel myself wince as she squeezes my hurt arm.

"Korra, careful of her arm." Bo says from my side. Korra immediately draws back and looks at me as I try to mask the pain.

"What happened to your arm?" She asks.

"Amon broke it, but it's okay now." I reply. Her face drops and she gives me an apologetic look. I can tell that she feels guilty that I got hurt protecting her, but she really doesn't need to.

"Come on, you must be starving." Bo says as he guides us to the table where Master Tenzin, Mako, Asami, Lin and Pema are sitting. I take a seat and Bo starts putting food on a plate for me. I thank him and stare at it. I probably should be hungry, I can't really remember the last time I ate. But the more I stare at it, the more I feel sick.

Pema and Asami get up and start clearing up the empty dishes as I start picking at my food. Even though I don't want to, I really should try to eat. I need to keep my strength up.

"Korra, I realise you've been through a lot, but I need to know everything that happened." Master Tenzin says as he looks at the Avatar. I can feel myself starting to shiver from the coldness I'm feeling and so I wrap my arms around myself slightly and try to eat.

"Well, first off, Tarrlok isn't who he says he is. He's Yakone's son." She says causing Master Tenzin's and Lin's eyes to widen. I guess this is important information after all.

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