Chapter 28

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I sit with my back against the wall glaring at the police officer standing outside of my cell. Turns out they don't take well to people breaking out of metal wires. I should've taken their reaction into consideration when demonstrating how to break through metal, this isn't ideal for the plan. It just means I'm going to have to fight from the get go. I stare at the metal bars and think. I have two options, either I break the bars first and then take him out which would risk him realising what I'm doing, or I take him out first and potentially draw attention to myself before I'm even out. I take a deep breath and straighten my body against the wall. Well, it's now or never.

I raise my hand slightly by my side to not draw attention and I focus on the metal lock. I close my eyes and I take another breath as I feel the coldness of the lock. I grunt to myself as my focus grows. I take a moment before I sense the cold energy starting to heat up from my bending. I open my eyes and continue to heat up the lock. I notice the guard turn towards me causing me to lower my hand to my side, still continuing to add heat to the metal. He watches me for a moment before looking away again. I inhale deeply as I bend a large amount of heat onto the lock. I do this for a second longer until I can sense the lock has been melted.

I pick myself off the ground and stand against the wall which gains the guard's attention. He looks at me with a raised brow and I stare right back at him building up the courage to start my escape plan. I know I act confident most of the time, but I am normally nervous for things like this.

"What are you doing?" His gruff voice asks. I stay silent for a moment to allow myself to take a deep breath to control my nerves.

"As much as I love your hospitality, I really need to talk to Tarrlok." I say. He looks at me with confusion. I don't wait for him to say anything, I run to the door and shove my boot against it, busting the cell open. The door hits the guard and he falls back. I bring fire to my fingertips and bend fire at him, knocking him to the ground. He groans, and before he can attract more guards to us, I grab his metal wires and tie him up. I then raise my fist and send a strong punch to his head, knocking him out. I groan and shake out my hand as I stand up straight before running down the hall.

I don't know where they've taken Asami, but I have a feeling that she must be in this part of the prison. If I'm honest, it's more than a feeling, the fact that there only seems to be women in the cells I pass kinda makes me certain that she would be here. My eyes scan each cell I pass praying to see Asami in one of them, however after searching for a while I don't find her. This is bad, if I don't hurry up I'm going to get caught.

I turn the corner and grunt to myself in frustration. I thought that I would be held somewhere close to Asami, but maybe they kept me away because of the whole breaking the metal thing.

"Hey!" A voice yells behind me. I freeze and turn around to see a police officer staring at me. "Princess Ulazu, what are you doing out of your cell?" The officer says as he recognises me. I walk towards him and stop just in front of him. I can tell that he grows nervous as I reach him, but he stays silent.

"I need you to take me to Asami Sato's cell." I say praying that my voice comes out confident.

"I'm not going to do that." He scoffs. I take a deep breath and stare at the man.

"Then I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." I say as fire slips to my fingertips. The man's eyes widen when he sees the flame and he immediately bends the metal wire from his uniform towards me. I bend fire at it to knock it away and swiftly move to him. I swing my leg across the ground, taking out his feet and forcing him to fall to the ground. He groans as his back slams against the floor and I stand over him. I use one hand to grab his collar and lift him up whilst the other holds a large flame. The man whimpers slightly as I watch him gulp. I didn't realise people found me scary.

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