Chapter 11

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We make it to Air Temple Island and Tenzin guides me to where I will be staying from now on. I can't help but feel guilty about my mother getting me to stay here, but I am happy to be staying in such a beautiful place.

"Tenzin, are you sure it's okay for me to be here. I really don't want draw unwanted attention to your home." I say as we walk through the temple grounds. 

"Even if you were not here, we would still have Korra. And we both know that she doesn't go anywhere quietly." He replies. I laugh at his comment before growing serious again.

"Well, I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to keep you and your family safe from Amon." I say confidently. I know the devastation the world would face if Amon managed to take away his family's bending. The entire would would fall out of balance without airbenders.

"Thank you, but I intend to stop Amon before he even thinks about hurting my family." He says holding a smirk on his lips. I have to admit, even though Tenzin is serious 99% of the time, he always seems pretty cool.

We walk through the halls until Tenzin stops in front of a door. He opens the door revealing a very neat bedroom. It isn't big and there doesn't seem much to it, yet the simplicity of it is comforting.

"This is your room." He says. I feel myself smile as I walk into the room to take it all in. My eyes cling onto the small pastel red cushions on the bed that pair perfectly with the white sheets. "I know it isn't much, but I hope that you feel safe and at home here." I turn to Tenzin.

"This room is perfect, thank you so much." I say and turn to look at the room again, looking away from Tenzin before I can see his smile at my sincerity. "I hope my mother didn't pressure you into this decision." I add focusing on the colours that the room holds once again.

"If I'm being honest, Princess Ulazu, once I had informed my wife Pema about you being in the city she insisted to make up a room for you." He admits. I turn to face him with a shocked expression. Why would she do that for me?

"Really? She did an excellent job, I'll have to thank her when I meet her." I reply.

"I will introduce you to my family over lunch, but I'll leave you to get settled in. I'll be in the kitchen which is just down the hall. Feel free to join us when you have unpacked." Tenzin says. I smile and bow slightly to thank him. And with that he turns and leaves the room.

I put my bag on the bed and start taking things out and putting them away. It's been a while since I have lived with other people. What if I overstep somewhere or upset one of them by accident? What if they decide that they don't like me? I sit on the bed and sigh; my eyes staring at the wall ahead of me. Why am I doubting staying here? Tenzin has been nothing but welcoming, why do I have to start thinking that things are going to go wrong?

I stay on the bed for a moment longer before I release a heavy sigh. My palms run over my face as I stand up. I need to stop over thinking.

I leave my new room and start heading down the hallway towards what I can assume is the kitchen. There is faint chatter as I get closer and so I make sure to walk into the room quickly to ensure I don't eavesdrop in the conversation taking place.

As I enter I see three children helping carry food to the table in the centre of the room whilst Tenzin stands next to his wife deep in conversation. I stand watching the scene before me and smile, it's nice to see a happy family. It makes me miss home.

"Pretty Lady you are trespassing. You must either give me some of your hair or leave immediately!" A young voice shouts. I jump at the sudden noise and turn to the boy looking up at me. Soon enough the two girls look at me with puzzled looks, but Tenzin calms them just by walking over to me with a smile.

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