Chapter 32

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We get to Republic city and the first thing I see is chaos. Police sirens fill my ears along with the faint sound of explosions going off in the distance. Everything is grey and dull which makes me grow scared for what's to come. I turn to Bolin who is looking at the city fearfully. I know that fighting the Equalists is going to be a lot harder now that I don't have my bending, but having Bolin by my side makes me ten times more confident.

We climb off the ferry and run into the city slightly before stopping.

"Where did you say you parked the car?" Asami asks as she turns to Korra.

"It's right around here somewhere." She replies and I can't help but roll my eyes. There's no way Korra managed to successfully get behind the wheel. I look around and when my eyes land on it I sigh.

"Korra, I'm sure you're supposed to avoid the lampposts." I hum. My friends follow my gaze to see her car crashed into a lamppost. We run to it and I smile slightly as I watch Asami sigh.

"Wow, nice parking job." She sighs.

"Hey, you guys got arrested and left me alone with the car. I made it very clear I don't know how to drive." Korra groans. Bolin stands next to me and looks at the vehicle.

"All things considered, you did a great job." He says. His eyes widen as he looks at the front screen and he grabs the pile of papers that rest on it. "But how are we gonna pay for all these parking tickets?" He asks as he looks at each of us in turn. Mako walks over to him and takes them from his hands before quickly bending fire onto them.

"Relax, the city's under attack. The police have more important things to worry about." He says. Asami goes to the boot of the car and grabs an Equalist glove which I naturally step away from. She walks towards me and tries to offer it to me.

"It might come in useful." She says as she looks at me. I don't move an inch as I stare at the glove in her hand. I have been shocked time and time again by those things and each time it seems to have felt worse than I have ever remembered.

I back away from the glove again unable to take my eyes off it. Those stupid things have caused me so much pain, there is no way I'm using one.

"I don't need it." I say before jumping into the backseat of the car. Bolin quickly follows and slides in next to me. I can tell that his gaze is on me.

"You okay?" He asks gently. I nod and turn to him, taking in his deep emerald eyes.

"Yeah, I just hate those gloves." I say. The others climb in and Asami starts driving the car at a scarily fast pace into the city.


Asami drives recklessly towards the city hall, causing my body to be thrown around the backseats. Luckily, Bolin and Korra are either side of me and help keep my small figure in my seat.

She turns a corner and my body slams into Korra's making us both groan, but we don't have time to think about it before we see large Equalist mecha tanks outside city hall.

"Make me a ramp." Asami orders. Bo stands up and raises his arms to create a ramp, and as we get closer she yells again. "Jump!" I climb over the seats and jump out of the car as it speeds onto the ramp and crashes down on the mecha tanks. I groan as I hit the ground, but Mako quickly helps me up before starting to charge to the Equalists.

I know I can't win against the tanks without my bending, but as I look around the floor I see a metal pipe that's twice the length of my arm. That could be useful. I snatch it off the ground and follow Asami towards the large truck where Equalists are piling people into. I run ahead of Asami towards two Equalists that are picking Master Tenzin's body off the floor. Oh, there's no way I'm going to let them take him.

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