Chapter 36

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It isn't long before we make it to the arena, and thankfully no one gives us a second glance. I was worried that we were going to get caught out too soon which would mess up any possibility of getting to Amon, but currently everything is going to plan. Having said that, I'm not thinking for a second that the plan will remain this unproblematic. We're about to try to expose Amon, the man who has always had the upper hand and has always been in the spotlight for being somewhat of a saviour. Who is saying that his followers would even believe us if we say who he really is? I hardly believed that he is a bender, I seriously doubt his beloved fans will trust us over him. 

We make our way onto one of the platforms over looking the stage and I can't help but feel incredibly uncomfortable as I scan the mass amount of Equalists in one place. The arena is supposed to be used to bring people together and provide entertainment and I hate that it's being used for radical things. 

The crowd cheers and talks loudly among on another and I can't help but feel saddened by it. One of my most favourite things in the world was listening to the crowds' cheers and excitement before entering the ring for a match. I loved the atmosphere and being such a key part to pro bending. And now because of Amon, I will never be able to experience that euphoria again. If I'm honest, that doesn't just upset me. It angers me. 

I am forced away from my thoughts as the crowd erupts in applause and cheers. My eyes drop to the stage and that's when I see Amon standing in the centre of it. Korra and Mako share a look, but I keep my eyes locked onto Satan himself. 

"Thank you all for joining me on this historic occasion." He says making the crowd cheer even louder than they were before. As much as I hate to admit it, he does know how to talk to a crowd. "When I was a boy, a firebender struck down my entire family and left me scarred. That tragic event began my quest to equalise the world." He continues as I roll my eyes. Oh, what bull-

"That's a lie, Amon." Korra yells from beside me. The crowd gasps as they look towards us. Korra rips off her mask and Mako and I follow her guide. "Or should I call you 'Noatak'?" She says. The crowd starts murmuring to one another in confusion as the three of us glare down to the stage. 

"Everyone, calm down." Amon says as he takes a couple of steps forward on the stage. "We have nothing to fear from the Avatar. Let's hear what she has to say." He says calmly. I give a quick glance to my friends before slipping out of sight as I creep off the platform. If Korra and Mako can distract Amon, then I can attack him with the element of surprise. 

Once I am out of view I slip on my Equalist mask and walk quickly through the hallways. If I can get onto that stage without being caught I can take out Amon's backup before he has the chance to react. 

I make my way around the arena quickly, still able to hear Korra and Amon arguing. However, I can tell by the crowds loud reactions that they are not believing Korra. It doesn't really surprise me if I'm honest. 

I pass a few more hallways until I am standing in the stands above the stage. I take a deep breath as I try to build my confidence and I am about to jump down to start my assault, but I am stopped when Amon says something that makes me freeze. 

"I wouldn't leave yet, Avatar. You'll miss the main event." He says and I can tell by the sound of his voice that he is smirking. My eyes widen and my entire body becomes numb as I watch Tenzin and his family being brought onto the stage. Oh, God no. Please, please no. Every part of me falls into a panic at the sight of them being tied up in front of thousands of angry Equalists. Where is Lin? What the hell happened to Lin? They shouldn't be here. 

"Tonight, I rid the world of airbending. Forever!" Amon continues causing the crowd to erupt into cheers once again. As he says this, something within my clicks and the panic I once was feeling disappears and is replaced with a burning rage. 

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