Chapter 29

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Bolin's P.O.V.

I sit anxiously watching Mako stare at the metal. He takes a deep breath and then releases a series of grunts as he points his hands to the metal. We've been stuck in here for hours and I really need to pee. My eyes slowly move away from my brother and to the toilet in the corner of the room. I really don't wanna go here, I can't pee in front of people, but I might not have a choice soon.

"Have you done it yet?" I ask hopefully as I turn to Mako again. He grunts in frustration and looks to the floor panting heavily.

"I don't get how she did it, she made it look so easy and I just can't do it." He sighs.

"Didn't she say you had to find the cold metal? Or was it hot? No, no, wait, she mentioned something about the energy-things, like with lightning bending. Or was it the opposite of lightning bending?" I say quickly hoping that I can say something to help him. He groans and looks at me.

"That's not helpful." He says.

"Can't you just melt the metal?" I ask.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?!" He snaps in frustration. "I just don't get it, she's a fire bender like me, I should be able to do this." He says. I watch him for a moment longer and sigh.

"Can you just figure this out quickly? I really gotta go and I can't do it if I'm the same room as you." I say.

"I don't see you trying to get us out." Mako grunts. I look away and let him attempt at melting the lock again and it isn't long before I hear the door crash open.

"Bro, you did it!" I say excitably as I jump to my feet. But my smile drops slightly and my eyes widen as I see Chief Beifong stand in the doorway.

"No, I didn't." Mako says as he looks at the former chief with wide eyes.

"I'm busting you guys out. Korra's in trouble. Amon captured her." She says. My mouth drops at what she says and as I turn to Mako I can see the fear in his eyes.

"No. No, she can't be gone." He says in disbelief.

"Come on. We have an Avatar to rescue." Lin says as she starts to guide us through the prison. I put a hand on Mako's shoulder and he gives me a quick look before we follow her.

"Do you know if Ulazu and Asami have made it out?" I ask.

"They've both gone, but I'm a little confused about how they managed to escape." She says. I feel a wave of relief fill me after finding out that Ula is safe. I knew she would get out fine, she's amazing like that, but it's made me feel a lot better knowing that she did.

It doesn't take us long to get back to Air Temple Island. My eyes dart in every direction trying to find Ula, but I don't see her anywhere. Lin said that they made it out, they've gotta be here somewhere.

"Mako!" A voice yells. All of our heads turn to the left to see Asami running over. The two embrace and share a kiss and look around again for Ulazu. If Asami is here, that must mean Ula is too.

"Asami, you're okay." Make says with a smile.

"Yeah, and you are too. That means you managed to bend your way out." She says with an excitable smile. Mako looks at the ground slightly.

"Not exactly." He says sheepishly.

"Enough with the lovers reunion, we need to talk to Tenzin." Lin says as she continues to walk towards the temple. We start walking after her, but I need to know where Ula is.

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