Chapter 22

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I sit on my bed with my back against the wall with my knees in my chest. Yesterday I opened up to Bolin more than I ever had before with anyone and I don't know how to feel about it. I'm happy that I told him a bit about how I'm feeling, but I can't help but feel scared to see him later. I try my best to act strong in front of everyone because I don't want anyone to look down on me. I know that Bo wouldn't think badly of me, but I've never felt this vulnerable before and I don't know how to feel.

And so, I sit on my bed trying to figure out what I'm feeling. I would have trained to ignore my thoughts, but Master Tenzin has ordered the White Lotus to stop me from training for excessive hours, and I have already trained for my allowed two hours.

My bedroom door opens and Korra enters my room. I immediately lower my knees and sit up as I look at her. I can tell by her expression that she isn't very happy.

"Hey, were you planning on going to Asami's?" She asks.

"Well-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"If you have something else on, maybe I should help you? Is there a council meeting? Or we can train, we can go somewhere so Tenzin doesn't find out?" She says quickly making my eyebrow rise with suspicion.

"Do you not want to go to Asami's?" I ask her.

"What? Why would you-" She says, but sighs after my knowing gaze doesn't falter. "Okay, fine. I want to get out of going." She sighs. I sigh as well and stand up.

"If I'm honest, I don't want to either. I'm not even sure if Asami wants me there, but Bolin seemed to want me to come." I say. The corners of Korra's mouth turn up slightly.

"Let's make up some excuse then and not go." She suggests. I frown at the suggestion.

"Korra, you can't avoid your friends because of you feelings for Mako." I say gently. Her eyes widen in shock.

"What? How did you know about that?" She asks.

"Well, I kinda assumed it a couple of days after I met you, you're not really subtle about your feelings. But Mako told me what happened." I tell her. She looks to the floor as if she is ashamed of what happened between her and him.

"Oh." She says. There is a pause in conversation and I walk over to her. I place a hand on her shoulder and smile as she looks at me.

"Come on, I'm sure it'll be fun when we get there." I say for her benefit. She nods and we walk out of the Temple. I am still scared to see Bolin, but I ignore my fear to help give Korra some confidence in going. I'm going to see him at some point, I might as well get it over with. I glance and Korra as we walk and I give her a small smile as we make our way to Asami's mansion.


We reach Asami's mansion and my eyes widen. I know Bolin said that it is big, I just didn't realise it was this big. Korra leads the way up to the door and knocks on it. A man that I don't recognise appears and I know that he must be one of Asami's butlers that Bolin mentioned yesterday.

"Umm, Asami is expecting us." Korra says awkwardly as if she is unsure what to say to the man. He nods his head at her.

"Please, right this way, Avatar Korra and Princess Ulazu." He says in a welcoming tone. We enter the house and I turn to the man.

"You can just call me Ulazu." I tell him. He nods his head in acknowledgement and begins to guide us through the halls until we reach a large room containing a pool. Mako and Asami sit by the edge of the pool whilst Bolin floats in the middle of it. They all turn towards us as the butler starts talking.

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