Chapter 15

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I groan and shoot a small ball of fire over the ocean in annoyance. I have been trying for weeks now to lightning bend, and I still haven't managed to do it. Not even a little bit. Why can't I just get it?

I take a deep breath to calm myself before returning to my stance and lifting my arms again. Focus on the energies, Ulazu. Just Focus. I close my eyes and try to use my bending to identify the energy around me. I focus strongly, blocking out the idle noise that the sea makes below. My hands start to shake and I let out a strained grunt as my attempt continues. After a moment longer, my arm lowers and my eyes open as I pant heavily. Small beads of sweat fall onto my forehead and I groan again.

"Why can't I just do it!" I yell in anger and punch another fire ball over the ocean.

"Woah, what's going on?" A voice behind me asks. I spin around to see Korra walking towards me. I sigh and wipe my face to remove the sweat.

"Hi, Korra." I say taking a breath to calm myself.

"Are you trying to lightning bend?" She questions. I chuckle slightly. I guess my frustrations are obvious.

"Trying and failing. I know it's supposed to be hard to do, but I don't feel anything when I try." I moan as she walks towards me.

"What are you supposed to feel?" She asks. I sit down on the bench overlooking the ocean and Korra joins me.

"My Grandpa Zuko always said that you feel a type of power. Like the energy in the air feeds your bending and allows you to create lightning. But when I'm trying to do it I feel nothing." I explain. Korra looks at me for a moment and purses her lips.

"Maybe you're not a lightning bender. Not every fire bender can do it." She says. My eyes fall from her and onto the floor. Not a lightning bender?

"What? No, I have to be a lightning bender. I'm
supposed to be Fire Lord one day." I dismiss the idea.

"Being a lightning bender won't affect you becoming Fire Lord." Korra says.

"Lightning bending dates back before the 100 year war even started. It's a sign of royalty, or so it used to be. Only the Fire Lord and their family were taught how to lightning bend. And even though it's common nowadays, it's still part of being a Fire Lord." I explain.

"Ulazu, you're still strong, and you're still going to be an amazing Fire Lord even if you can't lightning bend." She says with a smile. I turn to her.

"And you're strong and an amazing Avatar. But don't you feel as if you're missing part of yourself because you can't Air bend?" I ask. Her eyes widen at what I say and she turns away from me. I internally scold myself and look away. Why did I have to say that? That's going to make her feel uncomfortable and she was just trying to make me feel better.

"Is that how you feel? As if you're missing a part of yourself?" She asks which catches me off guard. I expected her to say something else, something about how she will be able to air bend soon enough. I turn to her again to see her already looking at me with friendly eyes.

"If I'm honest, no." I admit. "I know that I'm not going to be the Fire Lord I'm expected to be. And seeing as I can't lightning bend it's cleared it up clearly to me." There's a moment of silence between us and I feel bad instantly. I guess I'm not a good conversationalist.

"Well, you were right with my part. I do feel as if I'm missing part of myself, an important part. And I don't think I can stop Amon without being able to bend all the elements like an Avatar should be able to do. Aang was twelve and he managed to kick Fire Lord Ozai's ass with all the elements. Why can't I?" She sighs and looks down at her hands. I didn't think Korra thought like this, I thought she was optimistic and confident in herself and her abilities. I didn't realise she doubted herself.

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