Chapter 4

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I spent the majority of the day trying to find a job, but sadly for me, everywhere I walked in turned me away. I would have thought people who be looking for employees, but no.

So now, I sit waiting for Bolin to return outside my apartment, my back leaning against my locked door. If I'm honest, I'm excited to meet him tonight. I'm looking forward to his laugh and enthusiasm and no doubt his interesting stories of his day. Maybe him and his Fire Ferret Pabu managed to make a lot of money.

"Ulazu, what are you doing out here?" A voice asks. I look up to see Mako standing in front of me. He is obviously worn out from a long day. How'd he get a job and I didn't?

"I'm waiting for Bolin. Where did you find a job? I've been searching all day and was rejected by everyone." I ask with a dropped jaw.

"That obvious?" He chuckles. "They desperately need lightning benders at the power plant. I can help you get a job there if you'd like." Mako offers which only causes me to frown.

"I don't know how to lightning bend." I confess sadly. Mako's eyes widen slightly as if he is shocked to learn that I can't do it, but his eyes soon return to normal and he sits next to me.

"Don't be sad that you don't know. I only learnt how to do it properly last year, it's not as easy as it looks." He says giving me an encouraging smile. I stay still for a moment before an idea springs to my mind. I look at him with a grin on my face.

"You could teach me!" I say enthusiastically as I jump up. Mako looks up at me for a moment before standing up slowly.

"Wait, hold on-" he starts.

"I can teach you my pro bending moves and you can teach me how to lightning bend." I say feeling ecstatic. Imagine Hani and Bamir coming back to Ulazu the lightning bender. Mako continues to look at me with an unsure look, but he sighs and glances around.

"Shouldn't Bolin be here by now?" He asks changing the subject. I raise my eyebrow slightly and look around quickly.

"I'm not sure, he never said a time, just that we would go out for dinner." I reply. This time it was Mako's turn to raise an eyebrow at me.

"Let's go and find him. He might be on Temple Island with Korra." He says. I hesitate to follow him. I know if Tenzin catches me on Temple Island he is going to tell my parents where I am, well, that's if he hasn't already. Spirits, what if they're on their way to Republic City now? "Ulazu?" Mako asks taking me away from my thoughts. He stops ahead of me and looks at me in concern.

"Umm, are you sure I should be coming to Temple Island? I mean, that's the air nomad's home, it would be rude to just intrude." I blurt out way too quickly. He is going to know something is up.

"You're friends with Korra now, you'll be fine." He says. I sigh and walk with him out of the training centre.

"I doubt that. I don't think Korra likes me very much." I reply.

"That's just Korra, she's like that to everyone. Trust me." Mako says with a laugh. I stay quiet as we make our way towards the docks. I really strongly doubt that Korra is like that to everyone. She is just confusing.

"So, you and my brother were going to go out tonight?" He asks raising an insinuating eyebrow at me; a small smile sits on the corners of his lips. I feel a small blush on my cheeks at what he is suggesting and laugh it off to cover it.

"It was a friendly gesture. I honestly think he feels bad for me. He kind of overheard my conversation with Butakah yesterday and has been inviting me places since." I explain to him. Mako thinks about this for a moment but shakes his head.

"I know my brother. I don't think it was because he felt bad." He simply says. He looks ahead as we walk, but I can't help but look at him. What the hell does he mean by that?

We make our way onto one of the ferries to Air Temple Island and I can't help but feel nervous. I wrap my hoodie around me tighter and pull the hood up over my head. I ignore the side glance Mako is giving me and stare ahead over the water. What if Tenzin tells them who I really am?

I am forced away from my thoughts as we reach the island, and I quickly follow Mako off the boat. I am keen to just find Bolin and go. I pull my hood over my face slightly as we walk up the large flight of stairs. I've been to Air Temple Island once before when my mother had a meeting she had to attend in the city. Tenzin was kind enough to offer us sanctuary and my mother accept. It is more beautiful here than I remembered. Beautiful and peaceful.

Up ahead I notice Korra talking to two of Tenzin's children. If I'm not wrong, the older one is called Jinora, the younger girl I'm not too sure. Mako walks ahead of me slightly, and as soon as the Avatar notices him she Earth bends the air benders away and turns to Mako awkwardly.

"Oh, hey, Mako." She says. The two young girls giggle behind her. I barely know Korra, but by the way she talks and acts around Mako leads me to think she has a crush on him. And the girls giggling behind her kind of makes it clear to me.

"You seen Bolin?" He asks. I guess he doesn't feel the same way.

"Nice to see you too." Korra scoffs. "And no, I haven't seen him since practice. Think something's wrong?" She asks. My ears perk up as soon as she suggests it. And by the way Mako acts after she says it makes me think something is wrong.

"Wait, what? You didn't say you thought he was in trouble." I say quickly walking over to them. I pull my hood down and stare up at Mako.

"I don't know." He sighs. "Bolin has a knack of getting into stupid situations. And if he didn't show up to meet you then it makes me wonder." He pauses and I feel myself stare at him. Why didn't he mention any of this earlier?

"See you later." He says suddenly. He turns to walk back the way we came. I remain next to Korra completely baffled by his actions.

"Wait. I could, uh, help you look for him." Korra tries as she follows him. I run after them, struggling to keep up with their fast pace.

"Nah, I got it." He dismisses. I scoff at him.

"I am going to help you. I'm not giving you a choice in the matter." I say sternly causing him to raise an eyebrow at me. Spirits, he does that a lot.

"We can take Naga." Korra says which forces Mako to stop and turn to her.

"Who's Naga?" He asks.

"My best friend, and a great tracker." She says before guiding us to her large polar bear dog. I have never met one before, and I can safely say that they are one of the cutest creatures I've ever seen.

"Your best friend is a polar bear dog. Somehow that makes perfect sense." Mako says slowly as he stares at him. I laugh gently to myself as Korra smirks at him.

"I'll take that as a compliment, City boy." She says before jumping onto Naga. Mako hops on after her and I go to, but Korra raises her hand to stop me.

"It'll be easier if it's just us two." She tells me. "Go back home and practice Fire bending, or whatever it is you do." I frown at her as anger fills me.

"Okay, what is your deal? Why don't you like me? What have I done to you?" I snap. Mako's eyes widen as Korra slides off Naga to stand in front of me, her tall build looking over me.

"You're not telling us something, and I don't trust it." She says. I take a step back and look at her.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"So, are you going to tell us whatever it is?" She asks.

"Korra, maybe you should-" Mako tries.

"We've just met, I don't need to give you my life story." I reply.

"No, but it would help me trust you." She says glaring. I stare at her a moment longer before she hops onto Naga again. I sigh in defeat and take another step back.

"Fine, I guess I'll find Bolin my own way." I say. I turn and walk away. I'm not going to put up with her if she's going to act childish. I don't care if she's the Avatar, she's doesn't know me, I don't know her, she shouldn't be so quick to judge.

"Wait, Ulazu!" Mako calls after me, but I wave him off and race back to the ferry.

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