Chapter 24

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It is just after midnight which means Korra is meeting with whoever it is who has information on Hiroshi Sato. I know that I should meet them, but if I'm honest, I really don't want to face Asami again. And I have a feeling that if they get good information we will be going back to her mansion. I thought Asami was the nicest person someone could ever meet, but she reminded me about my father and is the reason why I'm sat by the river in the spot Bolin showed me trying to meditate. I understand fully why she threw my father's death in my face, it is wrong to assume a non-bender is an Equalist just because they can't bend, and she is also defending her father. I just don't want to be there for her to do it again. But once again, this is another moment where I really need to stop being selfish by thinking about myself. It shouldn't matter what she has said, what should matter is stopping Amon from get stronger.

I take a moment longer to myself as I watch the dragonflies dance together in the night air. I need to go and meet Korra, it's unfair for her to have to face whatever it is by herself. I know she won't really be by herself, she'll have Chief Beifong and Master Tenzin, but I don't want her having to face our friends alone. I've chosen to trust her and stand by her side, so I can't abandon it now because my feelings got hurt.

I inhale deeply before standing up and mentally preparing myself for what I'm about to face. After a second longer of watching the dragonflies I turn away from them and make my way back to the park. I'm glad Bolin has shown me this spot, it's given me a place where I can really get away from everything, it's the best gift anyone could ever give me.

I make it back to the park easily enough, and I walk through towards the main road. I'm not at all sure where they're supposed to be meeting this informant, I just figure that if I wonder around enough I'll find them. It's not as if there's people around to make it harder.

A noise sounds behind me forcing me to stop and turn. Were they around here? Meeting in the park would be fine if you were trying not to draw attention to yourself during the day, but at night it is extremely obvious. I walk towards where the sound had come from slowly not wanting to draw attention to myself just in case it's not them. I look around and stop again when I release that no one is here. But what made that sound?

I shake my head and turn around again to leave the park, but am forced to stop by two rods being shoved into my torso. I scream out as electricity fills me causing my body to slam against the grass. I groan to myself until another wave of electricity come crashing through my back. I scream again begging for it to stop, but I soon lose focus of it as darkness consumes my consciousness.


My eyes open slowly to a dimly lit room. I'm not sure where I am, but I can tell from the large Amon banners that it belongs to Equalists. I groan and try to sit up, but pain shoots through me as a result of my movements forcing me to stop.

"Good, you're awake. I was worried that they'd killed you." A deep voice says. The man walks into view and my heart sinks for Asami. Korra was right, Mr Sato is working for Amon.

"I would have thought you'd want me dead, seeing as I kicked your leader's ass." I say with false confidence. It doesn't matter that I don't believe what I say, I'm trying to annoy him, not state facts. 

"Amon doesn't want you dead, not yet at least." Mr Sato says. He walks towards me and crouches down in front of me. I stare up at him from the ground not wanting to show the pain that I'm currently in to him as he stares back in amusement.

"No? I guess he wants to take my bending first to prove a point." I say. He chuckles to himself before looking at the Equalists behind me. Not even a second later I feel arms around me that force me to sit up. I grit my teeth not wanting pained noises to escape, but what I can't stop is how heavy my breath becomes. Once I am sitting up the Equalists holding me remove their grip on my arms and back away, leaving me to glare at Mr Sato once again.

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