Chapter 6

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My head pounds painfully as my eyes open. Wherever I am it's dark, it's hard to tell what's around me. I blink a couple of times and groan. I guess going up against a group of chi blockers wasn't my greatest plan.

I go to move my hand to my head, but I soon realise that they're restrained. I look over my shoulder and see the rope ties around my wrists. I sigh and look away. I guess I'm wherever Bolin is. I pause. Bolin.

"Bolin?" I whisper, unsure whether he is here with me in whatever dark room I've been left in. I stay silent for a moment, but I don't hear a response. Is he okay?

I try to get to my feet, but they buckle slightly underneath me. Stupid electric gloves. I try again, only to stop when a blinding light enters the room. I turn away slightly and feel hands grab onto my arms, pulling me up to my feet.

"Thanks for the assistance." I mutter sarcastically. They drag me out of the room and into a corridor. I hear faint talking in the distance, but I can't tell where it's coming from. All I know is the more I walk, the louder it becomes.

The men holding me open a door and that's when I see a man lightning bending. A man wearing a mask is behind him, a thumb to the temple of the benders' head. I watch with wide eyes as the lightning dies down to fire and then eventually nothing at all. A series of gasps fill my ears causing me to turn and see the biggest crowd I've seen in a long time. What the hell is this place?

"What—what did you do to me?" The bender pants as he tries to pick himself off the floor.

"Your Fire bending is gone...forever." The man behind the mask declares. My jaw drops as I stare at the scene in fear. No one can take someone's bending away, that's impossible. Isn't it?

The men force me forward and shove me to the ground. I mutter under my breath before looking up and freezing. There are so many people here. And I'm on stage, for them all to see, they're going to recognise me.

"Ulazu." A familiar voice whispers. My head snaps towards the voice to see Bolin. He's okay, well, as okay as he can be given the situation.

"Bolin. I'm so sorry, I tried, I really tried." I whisper back quickly. The men around us start picking up the benders at the end of the line and forcing them before the masked man. Each losing their bending only moments afterwards.

"No, I'm sorry I got you in this mess." He replies. I turn to him to see his panicked expression, but I can't tell whether he feels as panicked as I do inside. I am scared to lose my bending, but I'm also sick to my stomach terrified that they're going to know who I am and use it as some cruel power move.

"Bo, my hood, please, I need it up, please." I beg keeping my gaze on him. He looks at me, but before he can move he is being dragged away from me to the masked man. My eyes widen. No, he can't lose his bending. Bolin is forced to the floor, I can see his fear in his eyes. I have to do something.

"Stop." I shout, gaining their attention. I stand up and glare at the masked man. He looks away from Bolin to me. His posture changes as he sees me. He pushes Bolin to the side and walks towards me, I don't need to see his face to know he is smirking.

"Well, isn't this a surprise. I didn't realise we would be having such a special guest tonight." He laughs. My skin crawls at his deep chuckle. Spirits, what have I done? I ignore the fear of revealing who I am. As long as this saves Bolin, it's okay. "Take those restraints off the poor girl. She of all people should not be treated like that." The masked man says. One of his men start to walk towards me, but I shoot my glare at him.

"Stay away from me." I spit, my voice wavering ever so slightly. The man hesitates and before he can do anything I move my fingers so they're resting against the rope. I bend some fire onto it and then pull against it to snap it. I let the rope drop to the floor as I rub my wrists.

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