Chapter 34

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We manage to get back to the tunnels safely and I don't waste another second before I order Iroh to sit down so Korra can heal him. he does as I say, but he watches me closely and his close stare makes me nervous. He is a good big brother, I know that he cares about me a lot. But he has the tendency to just view me as a little kid.

"I was prepared to deal with Sato's Mecha Tanks, but not these new high-speed aircraft." Iroh sighs as Korra brings some water to his arm and begins to heal him.

"I know, every time we think we have an advantage, Amon outsmarts us." Korra says continuing to focus on my brother's arm. I pull my coat around my body as cold starts to creep in again now that the adrenaline has left me. Bo gives me a quick look and I can tell he is about to offer me his coat, but I shake my head. I don't want Iroh to know that there's something wrong.

"No matter what our plan is, he always has a better one." Bolin says looking back to my brother.

"Amon is winning so far, but we're not out of the fight yet." Iroh says confidently and a small smile sits on my face.

"You sound like Ulazu." Asami says as she glances at me.

"Yeah, I like this man's confidence." Bo says grinning, but his smile doesn't stay on his face for long before he frowns. "So how are we not out of the fight?" He asks.

"A second wave of reinforcements is on the way." My brother says making me frown.

"You have to warn them about Amon otherwise they are just going to fall for the same tricks." I say as I hug my body.

"You're right." He says as he stands up. "Do you still have a way to get a message out?" He asks turning to Korra. She smiles and nods to him.

"I know just the man for the job." She replies. She guides them to the man who gave Bolin our sleeping bags last night, but I don't follow, I stay where I am. We need a plan, we can't just wait around for Iroh's reinforcements to arrive. Amon is getting stronger and sitting around waiting won't help matters at all. That's when I get an idea.

I rush over to the group and they all look at me as I join them. The older man looks at me and when I look back I notice a large map rolled up on the table.

"Can I borrow this?" I ask him. He nods and hands me the map.

"Ulazu, what are you doing?" Iroh asks me.

"I know that face, you've got a plan." Bo says as he looks at me. I look back and nod.

"Of course, I do." I simply reply as I unroll the map and place it on the table in front of me.

"Sis, I appreciate it, but this is my job, and out there are my men." Iroh says which makes me frown.

"Fine, what's your plan?" I ask as I look at him genuinely curious to see whether his plan is better than mine. It's not like it's a competition, but it's just to prove a point to him.

"We will regroup with the others and then go after Amon's warehouses. If we take out all of his weapons he will be in no position to take us on." He says. The others agree with his plan but I stay quiet. It's a good plan, but it will never work.

"It won't work. Amon will see you coming back with another fleet and send an airstrike. We will have the same result." I say. Iroh thinks about this for a moment and looks at me, his eyes narrowing on me ever so slightly.

"And how would you avoid that?" He asks. I expect him to sound angry because I'm pointing out flaws in his plan, but he doesn't.

"Bumi's fleet needs to stay wherever you've sent them whilst we take out their aircraft. That way our reinforcements can make it to the city without any issues." I say. The corners of his mouth turn up slightly as he looks at me.

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