Chapter 37

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The entire walk back I am quiet as my thoughts continue to rush around my mind frantically. I know I shouldn't be as panicked as I'm feeling right now, but I just can't help it.

Master Tenzin and I make it to Air Temple Island and the first person I see is Iroh standing with a large smile on his face. I look at him unable to replicate his expression. I guess that if he's happy then they managed to destroy the airfield successfully. But where is Bolin?

Iroh walks towards me and as soon as I'm within arms reach he is pulling me into a hug. Tenzin continues to walk past towards his family, allowing me to hug my brother in private.

"I'm glad that you're okay, Ula." He sighs as he carries on holding me tightly.

"I told you I would be fine." I reply making him chuckle softly. "Did you manage to do it?" I ask and pull out of the hug. He grins and rolls his eyes.

"Of course we did." He says. But as he looks down to me his smile starts to fade. "What's wrong?" He asks. I blink a couple of times trying not to overthink everything so I can remain strong for him.

"I got split up from Korra and I-" I pause knowing that if I carry on with what I'm saying I would have another moment like how I did with Tenzin. "Did they make it back? Are they here? Have you seen them?" I ask quickly. He hesitates for a moment before sighing.

"Yes, they're here. But there's something you should kno-" He starts, but as soon as I hear him say that they're here, I am off running further onto the island.

I can tell that Iroh is following me, but I don't care. All I care about is seeing Korra so that I know that she is okay. I need to get over myself. I shouldn't be this worried about keeping her safe, she's the Avatar, the most powerful bender in the world. She doesn't need a babysitter. So, why is it I constantly feel the need to protect her?

I run through the grounds and stop as soon as my eyes land on my friends talking to Lin. Lin is okay, Korra is okay, everyone is okay. A smile spreads across my face and I sprint towards them as all of my fear and panic falls from my mind.

"Korra, thank the Spirits you're okay." I say as I wrap my arms around her. She tenses at my touch, but she does hesitantly relax. "I was so scared that something had happened." A smile hits my lips as I draw back to look at the Avatar, but her expression makes my smile drop immediately. I blink a couple of times as fear starts to claw its way back into my stomach. My eyes leave her for a second to take in everyone else's expressions, and it's when I realise no one else is happy after today's successes that I know something isn't right.

"Korra, what happened?" I ask in a quiet voice as I look up to her. She doesn't say anything as she avoids my eye which makes me start to panic a bit more. Please don't tell me he got to her. Please, oh please don't say it. "Korra?" I ask again, but this time my voice shakes. She hesitates for a moment longer before finally looking at me.

"Amon-" She starts but she stops as she struggles to admit what happened. However, she doesn't need to say anything, her facial expressions and body language tell me enough. Amon had taken her bending.

I pull her into another hug and this time she doesn't hesitate with embracing me. I can feel her body shake slightly in my arms as she buries her head into my shoulder, and so I rub her back gently to comfort her as I gaze blankly at nothing. I can't believe after everything Amon actually succeeded in taking her bending.

"How are we going to beat him?" I ask no one in particular as I continue to hold Korra.

"We're not. He got away." Mako says. I sigh sadly and feel my eyelids drop. How did we lose so badly?

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