Chapter 1

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I stand in the locker room looking out to the arena. I have been training for ages to be here. I have run away from so much to have this chance. I can hear the crowd chant and scream through the glass which only seems to build up my nerves, but I soon get distracted as the doors open.

"Ulazu, I can feel your nerves from here." Bamir laughs as he walks in wearing his Earthbending kit.

"We've never made it this far in any of the tournaments. We just need to win this one match and then we qualify. How are you guys not nervous?" I ask looking between my two team mates.

"We've got this. We have worked hard for this all year round." Hani says confidently. He passes me my helmet. I glance down at the red on top before putting it on. I know my fire bending opponent is good, I would be an idiot if I didn't scope out the competition. Mako is strong, he managed to get a hatrick in his last match. His brother Bolin is good too, but luckily for us he tends to become victim to Hasook's bad plays.

"Okay, Dragonflies. Let's bring it in!" I say wrapping my arms around their shoulders. "We know the play?" I say turning to them.

"Deflect the attacks." Bamir smiles.

"Knock out the fire bender." Hani says.

"Leave the rest to them." I smirk.

We walk out of the locker room and onto the arena. I shake my hands out and keep my gaze straight ahead, ignoring the cheers around me. Though the one thing I can't ignore is the loud speaker.

"Here they are, ladies and gentlemen, the Dragonflies, with our youngest player ever leading them this far." The commentator says resulting in even more yells. I turn to my team mates quickly only to notice them already looking at me, both wearing proud smiles. Hani bumps into my arm as we walk wearing a grin.

"Take it all in, Ulazu. Being here by your age is a massive achievement." He says before walking away. We reach the line and stand waiting for the fire ferrets to walk on. But immediately I notice a change. Hasook isn't there. They replaced him. My head turns to the boys again and they both share a look of discomfort. We always know our opponents plays, we don't know anything about this girl.

I shake my head and concentrate as I prepare myself to start. I stand opposite Bolin the Earth bender and furrow my brows.

"Players, are you ready?" The ref asks brining his whistle to his mouth. My heart picks up speed and as soon as I hear the now familiar chirp I ready myself to shoot, but stop as I watch the girl kick water at Hani illegally, knocking him off the arena. Bamir and I stare at the scene for a moment before glaring at the girl.

"Fire ferret water bender, penalty. Move back one zone." The ref yells. I take my glare off the girl and run back to the edge of the arena to help Hani up. He takes my hand and releases it once on again.

"How'd they manage to replace Hasook with an even worse water bender?" He scoffs as we make it back to the line.

The whistle goes again and we're off. I shoot fire at Bolin as he sends discs flying towards me. I move quickly and with ease around the attack. I send a series of punches and kicks towards him, but stop as the whistle sounds yet again.

"Over the line! Move back to zone three." The ref says. I stand and watch the girl groan and move back to the end. She's going to get herself out without needing us.

We start up again. I shoot fire at the Earth bender, and although his movements are quick, they're not quick enough. I hit him and he goes flying back into zone three. I turn my attention to Mako, but before I can do anything, Bamir had successfully forced him back with an Earth disc.

Dragonflies [1] BolinWhere stories live. Discover now