Chapter 18

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Lin and I walk into the arena with her metal benders behind us. We devised a plan, a basic, yet effective plan. She and the metal benders would scope out the arena to make sure the Equalists haven't hidden anything, and I would check the halls and make sure no one is lurking around where they shouldn't be. We have an hour before the match, if something fishy is going to happen, it's going to be from now until the match begins. Or so, that's what Lin thinks.

We walk through the doors for the arena and Lin begins to direct her metal benders to start searching. I stand to the side as she gives her orders, admiring how they all listen to her every word. Lin might be tough, but she is highly respected by her officers. After a moment she sends them to work, and I take this as a sign to start my job. I start to walk away, but am stopped as a hand lands on my arm. I turn to see Chief Beifong.

"Princess Ulazu, stick to the plan. No one has to get hurt tonight." She says as she takes her hand off my arm.

"Why would I not follow the plan? It's a good plan, I don't understand why you would think I would not follow it." I reply looking confused. "And for the last time, Chief. Ulazu is fine." She keeps her gaze on me, but I can tell that she is hesitant to reply.

"You know, you remind me of myself when I was your age. Stubborn, head strong, and independent." She says making my eyes widen slightly. "But if you're like me you also feel as if you have to do things alone. Tonight you need to remember that I am here and so are the metal benders. If Amon does show, you don't have to face him alone." She says. My eyes narrow on her.

"Did Tenzin say something to you? I do not understand why people think I cannot help, I am capable!" I snap before spinning on my heels and walking away to start patrol.

"Ulazu, you know that isn't what I meant." Lin calls after me, but I ignore her and carry on walking away.


I have been walking for about half an hour now and haven't seen anything, which is good. However, I want to prove myself. No one believes that I can do something, but I can. I just don't know what more I'm supposed to do. I have always been told that I'm not enough, people have always looked down at me. I thought that coming to Republic City my biggest issue would be my age and not being taken seriously because of it, but it's not my age. It's something else about me.

I turn around the corner and stop when I see Tahno walking in my direction. I take a breath and continue walking, making sure to keep my gaze ahead. I can tell when he notices me because his pace slows down and his eyes cling to me in an unsettling way.

"Princess Ulazu, it's been a while." He says. My head twitches towards him for a second to acknowledge him before looking ahead again.

I go to pass him, but he grabs onto my arm, making his arm cross over my body. I glare at him only to see him smirking back.

"Can I help you with something?" I spit. I don't like men thinking they can grab women whenever they please.

"I just thought we could talk. It's been, what? A week since our last conversation. I like talking to you." He says. He raises his free hand and brushes his fingers across my cheek which does nothing but anger me. I move my head away from his touch and shove his arm away from my body with my free hand.

"Get your hands off me." I snap and continue to glare at him. I hear footsteps sound at the end of the corridor, but I ignore it and focus on the man before me.

"I'm sorry, it's just hard sometimes." He says which sends a wave of uncomfortable goosebumps cover me.

"Get the hell away from me." I hiss. He doesn't move, instead he gets closer to me. I am about to shove him away when a shout forces me to stop.

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